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Registration for parallel sessions for onsite participants will be possible during registration in Aula

09:00 - 09:30 | REGISTRATION

09:30 - 10:30 | Conference Opening: Capacity-building of Guidance Professionals in European and Czech Contexts - Policy and Implementation (Main Hall / Hybrid)

  • Event Introduction - Paul Guest (Moderator)

  • Welcome to the European Event within Global Careers Month - Margit Rammo (Euroguidance Estonia)

  • Keynote - Advocating for Investment in Quality Lifelong Guidance Systems - Cynthia Harrison Villalba (CEDEFOP)

  • Keynote - Czech Policy Agenda in Career Guidance – Monika Měšťanová (Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports)

  • Keynote - How Euroguidance Supports Guidance Professionals in Competence Development - Eva Baloch-Kaloianov (Euroguidance Austria)

10:30 - 11:00 | Coffee Break

11:00 - 11:50 | Parallel Sessions: Round 1

[A] National Career Guidance Awards 2022 (Main Hall / Hybrid)

Lenka Hloušková (NPI, Czechia), Petr Chaluš (Euroguidance Czechia)

The 2022 national guidance award ceremony for Czechia will take place during this session, as well as the presentation of national award winners from other involved countries.

[B] Is Guidance in Europe ready? (Dream Room / Hybrid)

Daniel Hailemariam (Hailemariam Consulting, Sweden)

This session will focus on how to equip counsellors to provide guidance and counselling to individuals who come to Europe from across the globe, having different backgrounds and cultures. We will consider the need for westernized counselling methodologies and approaches to be updated to reach out to a growing population of immigrants in Europe. Terminology such as intercultural counselling skills, normality and norm critic, and professionalism will be among the concepts that will be discussed.

[C] Ways Forward for Professionalization in Career Guidance (Vision Room / Hybrid)

Dimitris Gaitanis (Euroguidance Greece), Kristina Orion (Estonian Public Employment Service) and Margit Rammo (Euroguidance Estonia)

Practitioner competence is one of five quality elements identified as a means of continuous improvement of European lifelong guidance systems and policies. In this session, we will be looking at case studies from Greece and Estonia. Join our discussion to discover how we can ensure the necessary competences to allow career guidance professionals to support clients with diverse needs and across different contexts. We will also consider different pathways and support systems for professional development.

[D]  Inspiration from Universities and Research  (Passion Room / Onsite Only)

Part 1:  LIS education as the first step in career development - the basic knowledge everybody needs?

Lilian ArivaMaris Männiste (University of Tartu, Estonia) 

Library and information science (LIS) has been affected by rapid changes in communication and information technology. University curriculums are often designed keeping in mind the needs of the job market and organizations as well as the future of the discipline. Although previous studies have explored why LIS as a discipline is chosen and how the curriculums align with the needs of the job market, less is known about the career choices LIS graduates themselves make after finishing their bachelor's studies. Based on 30 semi-structured interviews with Estonian information professionals, who finished their information management bachelor at the University of Tartu during the last 10 years, we aim to explore how information professionals conceptualize the LIS profession and which possible career choices LIS education has provided. 

Part 2: Career guidance as bachelor's study programme

Jitka Jirsáková (Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Czechia)

Career guidance, counselling and education is an accredited bachelor's study programme, which is focused on the qualification preparation of a career counselor. It belongs to the field of non-teaching pedagogy. The study program meets the requirements for fulfilling the professional requirements of a career counselor according to the National System of Occupations (NSP) and the National Qualifications Framework (NSK). The graduates are provided with professional education, qualification readiness and a certain degree of professional adaptability to the conditions and requirements of counselling practice. This is a three-year program. It includes the obligation to complete a 12-week internship.

Part 3: Research on the attitudes of actors in the Czech education policy on issues related to career guidance. 

Silvia Pychova (Guidance Counsellor, Czechia)

Insight will be given into topics addressed by career guidance in the Czech education system. The research used data from the 2019 Delphi survey of educational actors and applied a phenomenographic approach for its secondary analysis. Based on the Advocacy Coalition Framework, it also aimed to see if certain opinion groups could be identified among these actors. The result of this research offers a map of actors' views on the issue. It also shows that there are at least two large groups of actors whose views diverge significantly based on their core beliefs.

[E] Developing Competences to Deal with Client Insecurity Caused by the Multiple Crises (Openmind Room / Onsite Only)

Thomas Diener, (Berufsnavigation, Austria)

The challenges and complexities of recent global crises are increasingly noticeable in our clients and their everyday lives. In this session, we will exchange thoughts, expand attitudes and share tools that might be helpful in the provision of guidance in these uncertain times. Specifically, we will search, explore and strengthen the landscapes in which we and our clients exist, considering: What helps to overcome the fear and paralysis that often appear at the beginning of a crisis? Where do we find the strength to constructively co-create and address the upcoming changes? What qualities and resources can help to maintain confidence? Which values do we want to defend against external resistance?

[F] Effective Approaches to Career Guidance with Refugees - in cooperation with the IAEVG (Online Only)

Anne Chant (Canterbury Christ Church University, UK) and Asa Sundelin (Stockholm University, Sweden)

In response to the current war in Ukraine and recognising the overall importance of career guidance for migrants, this session aims to clarify the particularities and career guidance needs of refugees, asylum seekers and other migrants. Building on what was learned during two recent Erasmus+ projects, each focusing on support for refugees and asylum seekers, we will explore the skills and knowledge needed to work effectively and confidently with this client group.

[G] Career Learning Strategies in the Classroom (Online Only)

Christina Petersson (Partille Municipality, Sweden)

As a part of student education in upper secondary school, a programme of career learning is provided. In this session, I will share the tools that we use with pupils in first and second grades to prepare them for the future.

11:50 - 12:00 | BREAK

12:00 - 12:50 | Parallel Sessions: Round 2

[A] Good Practices Linked to Competence Development of Career Guidance Counsellors (Main Hall / Hybrid)

Part 1:  Euroguidance good practice database

Dorianne Gravina (Euroguidance Malta)

This session centres on a presentation of the Euroguidance good practice database. This feature of the Euroguidance website showcases a collection of Good Guidance Practices from across Europe, providing valuable insights and knowledge to the guidance community on the European dimension of lifelong guidance. Practices might include methods, techniques and frameworks or be based on a specific process or guidance activity that has been used effectively with a particular target audience. A number of examples of good practice will be presented during the session.

Part 2:  Creating the Career Guidance Concept at Schools

Ladislav Ostroha (Euroguidance Slovakia)

Over the 14 years of its existence, the National Career Guidance Award has become a well-established and widely recognised initiative of the Euroguidance network. Its purpose is to showcase good guidance practices across Europe and to encourage career guidance practitioners to share experience and know-how with their European colleagues and peers. The guidance awards contribute to the overarching mission of the Euroguidance network which is to support development of the European dimension of career guidance.

Part 3:  Examples of awarded practices from Slovakia, Hungary, Serbia

Training programme “Innovative elements in career education and guidance at schools”

Katarina Knežová, Katarina Štukovská (Research Institute for Child Psychology and Pathopsychology)

Training programme for teaching staff at schools is based on holistic approach, multidisciplinarity and methods of experiential pedagogy (including the Kolb’s experiential learning cycle). It leads learners (teachers, school counsellors, career counsellors) to embracing new creative methods in career guidance provision and developing competences in areas such as planning, relationship building or critical reflection. Over the last two years, more than 1000 professionals went through this programme. The programme was awarded with the National Career Guidance Award in Slovakia.

What Should I Be When I Grow Up?

Andrea Deák (Bajza József High School in Hatvan, Hungary)

The program titled What Should I Be When I Grow Up? aims at implementing an innovative, and at the same time complex career guidance activity at Bajza József High School - in Hatvan, Hungary -, which can help students plan and develop their careers via acquiring such skills and competencies that can result in a balanced person- career-environment context.

[B] Erasmus+ Opportunities for Developing Guidance (Dream Room / Hybrid)

Part 1: Erasmus+ opportunities

Šimon Presser (Czech National Agency for International Education and Research)

Erasmus+ staff mobility and partnership actions, collaboration and exchange are valid means of promoting and supporting innovation in guidance. This session will highlight the Erasmus+ priorities and funding opportunities and other European educational programmes such as European Solidarity Corps.

Part 2: Guidance-related Erasmus+ projects will be introduced

Zuzana Freibergová (National Training Fund Czechia), Andrea Csirke (Czech Association for Career Guidance and Career Development), Stefany Tan (GTB, Belgium Flanders)

C-Game supports pupils' career interests and choices in an entertaining way – including the flexible, self-paced and freely accessible online course.Career Guidance for the 21st Century’ (C-Course). Participants will also discover Jump to Job! - a strategic partnership focusing on young people with disabilities who work as mentors to their peers and on job coaches working with young people with disabilities.


[C] Inclusive Mobility and the Role of Guidance (Vision Room / Hybrid)

Nina Ahlroos (Euroguidance Sweden), Sven Derksen (CINOP, Netherlands), Miriam Petra Ómarsdóttir Awad (Rannis, Iceland)

Taking part in a mobility program gives students a chance to develop themselves both personally and professionally. Unfortunately, many students still experience barriers that prevent them from participating in mobility programmes. Guidance can play an important role in making this happen but what competences do guidance professionals need to be able to provide high-quality mobility-oriented guidance? Sharing different yet complementary perspectives from Iceland, Sweden and the Netherlands, this session will highlight research on inclusive internationalisation as well as identifying good practices and the role of guidance in this important area. 

[D]     Critically Reflecting on our Practice - Do We Really Have the Client’s Best Interests in Mind? (Passion Room / Onsite Only)

Eva Kavková (EKS, Czechia)

How to equip career practitioners with tools to critically assess their practice in order to achieve well-being of people they work with. We will introduce Neil Thompson’s model for critical reflection. It focuses on different spheres and contexts and explores their impact on practitioner/client relationship. On Personal level, we will look into our beliefs, values, taken for granted assumptions and stereotypes. On Cultural level, we will examine our cultural background and shared community values in relation to “suitable jobs or careers”. On Structural level, we will explore social, economic and political factors that may reinforce our personal and cultural views and also our funding.

[E] Is there Room for Degrowth in Career Guidance? (Openmind Room / Onsite Only)

Kamila Bolfová Kateřina HaškováAlice Müllerová  (Czech Association for Career Guidance and Career Development)

We will make in cooperation with Martin JestřábekMartin NawrathTereza Volmutová an attempt to question the topic of work in career guidance while asking particular questions: What is the purpose of work? To make a living or to be useful? For what purposes do we take part in education? Where are the borders of growth, individual as well as economical? What are the values shaping current trends in career guidance? How to enlarge career counselors’ capacities to respond to the multiple crises we are facing? Let’s search together how we can live a good life.

[F] Academia+ (Online Only)

Jane Porath (University of Applied Labour Studies-HdBA, Germany)

In this session, we will present the Academia+ project, which promoted an exchange of transnational training experience and which also developed three research-based ‘Counsellor Study and Training Exchange Programmes (C-STEPS)’ as a means of providing online and continuing training for qualified career counsellors. Each of the three C-STEPs focused on a current and key challenge in the European labour market and/or in European society and combined theory, research and the practice of career counselling, whilst taking into account the specific socio-economic and political conditions of different European countries.

[G] Strengthening the Social-Emotional Intelligent Career Guidance Practitioner (Online Only)

Fotini Vlachaki & Mary Tountopoulou (Career & Social Inclusion Experts, Greece)

It is important for career professionals to acquire improved social and interpersonal skills in order to establish an effective professional relationship with the clients, as well as other stakeholders. These competences enable them to deliver higher quality client-centered career guidance services, so as to reach more diverse target groups and end-users. Moreover, in view of the digital transformation of services, social emotional competences are highly important to improve practitioners’ employability and maintain connectivity with their beneficiaries, despite the rather impersonal conditions. The presentation will briefly highlight the most prevailing Social Emotional Skills in the field of career guidance provision and propose concrete solutions to train a new generation of socially aware career guidance professionals.

12:50 - 14:00 | LUNCH

14:00 - 15:00 | Panel Discussion: Partnerships in European Lifelong Guidance - How Can We Support Guidance Professionals in Competence Development (Main Hall / Hybrid)

Key Question: How can policy, research, and training providers support the development of an integrated policy and strategy which aids competence development in the guidance community?

  • Daniel Hailermariam (Hailermariam Consulting, Sweden)

  • Tristram Hooley (Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences)

  • Ilze Jansone (Euroguidance Latvia / IAEVG Board)

  • Florian Kadletz (European Training Foundation)

  • Łukasz Sienkiewicz (Gdańsk University of Technology and Institute for Labour Market Analyses-Poland)

15:00 - 15:10 | BREAK

15:10 - 16:00 | Parallel Sessions: Round 3

[A] Establishing the role of Careers Leader in Schools (Main Hall / Hybrid)

Tristram Hooley (Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences) and David Andrews 

In 2012 the UK government closed down the external career guidance service for young people in England and responsibility was transferred directly to schools. Previously career guidance had been delivered through a partnership between the school, which provided careers information and careers education, and the external service, which provided career counselling. Now schools are responsible for the whole programme and are required to have in place a named careers leader. Some careers leaders come from a teaching background, others were careers advisers. We will outline the role of careers leader and the competences needed, examine how the role is positioned in schools and describe the training programme that has been put in place to help establish the role. We will explore how the learning that has been undertaken in the UK might be applied in other contexts.

[B] Competences for the future in the EU Neighbourhood  (Dream Room / Hybrid)

Florian Kadletz (European Training Foundation) 

The results of 10 ETF country reviews of guidance systems will be synthesized, providing an overview of the results and the priority reform areas countries chose to focus on in future work; a main focus lies on practitioner competence development and the wider topic of standards for services, practitioner competences and outcomes of services. Questions for discussion will involve potential ways to support development of guidance systems in ETF countries and what lessons could be learnt from the different development approaches taken.

[C] Academia Programme: Mobility of Guidance Practitioners in Europe (Vision Room / Hybrid)

Yvan Couallier (Euroguidance France) and Anu Puulmann (Euroguidance Estonia), Tina Öberg (Municipal Guidance Centre in Gothenburg, Sweden)

The Academia Programme centres on promoting the mobility of guidance practitioners in Europe, enhancing European networking and cooperation in lifelong guidance, and fostering the exchange of guidance methods, practices and good practices among participants. In this session, the Academia Programme, its results and successes will be presented. 

[D] Viamia - A National Career Guidance Service for the Over-40s (Passion Room / Onsite Only)

Elvira Pfann (Euroguidance Switzerland), David Furrer (BIZ Amt für Berufsberatung/Office for Vocational Guidance, Switzerland)

Occupational, educational and career guidance professionals in Switzerland have joined forces to create Viamia, the first national career guidance service for employees aged over 40. Viamia centres on the free assessment of an individual's professional situation and on guidance provision aimed at improving the professional prospects and employability of older workers.

[E] How to work with change as a Career Counselor (Openmind Room / Onsite Only)

Sylwia Korycka-Fortuna (Poland, National Europass & Euroguidance Centre)

The workshop session will provide knowledge on the dynamics of change. It will also help to prepare for an effective response to potential difficulties that may arise in the process of change. During the session, the counselors will develop ideas for actions that can support their clients in the moment of weakening motivation and emerging discouragement.

[F] Career Self-Management for the Unemployed: Training Psychologists in an Intervention Model (Online Only)

Pedro Diogo GasparCélia SampaioCatarina Luzia de CarvalhoMaria do Céu Taveira & Ana Daniela Silva (University of Minho, Portugal)

This session aims to present the goals, structure, content and evaluation methodology of an online career intervention training model for psychologists which embeds career theory and intervention, modeling and case studies. Initial evaluation indicates that this online model offers varied yet positive impacts that should be considered for further development.

[G] Keeping Up With Changes: Digitalisation and Digital Transformation in Guidance (Online Only)

Jaana Kettunen (Finnish Institute for Educational Research, Finland)

The digitalization of career guidance services and the use of digital tools by guidance practitioners came under the spotlight during the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has increased the significance of online and distance services, created demands for new digital resources and increased the need for those which already exist. Digital transformation is as much about people as it is about technology. Digitalization and digital transformation offer considerable opportunities for guidance services, but they also necessitate rethinking our approach to services, ensuring that career practitioners are equipped with the competences they need in this new context.

16:00 - 17:00 | Poster Session and Networking - with refreshments (onsite or online) 

Pictures of the posters can be uploaded on Padlet

Framework of the programme

 9:30 - 10:30

Conference opening
Capacity building of guidance professionals in the European and Czech context - policy and implementation

 10:30 - 11:00

 Coffee break

 11:00 - 11:50

Parallel Sessions 1  

 12:00 - 12:50

Parallel sessions 2   

 12.50 - 14.00

 Lunch break

 14:00 - 15:00

Panel debate 
Partnerships in European lifelong guidance: how can we support guidance professionals in competence development
How can policy, research, and training providers support the development of an integrated policy in career guidance including competence development of the guidance community?

 15:10 - 16:00

Parallel sessions 3  

 16:00 - 17:00

 Poster session/networking