Page 39 - Euroguidance-Brochure-Recent-Developments-in-Guidance-Belgium
P. 39
Multimedia Resource: ‘Du bout des doigts’
[At your fingertips]
French-speaking Community 3
The presentation is divided into two parts: a) CD-Rom: “Discovering professions at secondary school”, and
b) a game: “AT YOUR FINGERTIPS”: behind the scenes of technical professions in secondary education
Students are prompted to explore the professional world starting from their own perceptions and personal jour-
neys. We explore this frame of reference to allow the widest possible openings, and to increase curiosity.
Step by step, new frameworks are developed in connection with the opportunities provided by the French-speaking
Belgian education system (with nine qualifying sectors: Agronomy - Applied Arts - Construction - Economics - Cloth- Recent Developments in Guidance - Belgium | Chapter 3 | Tools & media
ing and Textiles - Hospitality and Food - Industry - Applied Sciences - Human Services).
AIM(S) answers, that he is constantly evolving. There are no
foregone conclusions, and the career plan is also a
• To discover more than 60 qualifying professional way to develop, to thrive.
educational courses in a fun and imaginative way,
• To visualise the specific activities of these professions Starting with what students already know, “At your
• To explore the qualities useful to these professions fingertips” allows them to explore the technical trades
• To learn to analyse a work environment offered in secondary education, to be open to the
• To understand the structure of qualifying secondary diversity of what is on offer, to ask questions, to learn
education how to organise one’s knowledge, to make connec-
tions, to give meaning to one’s knowledge.
TARGET GROUP(S) The game also allows you to question yourself, your
strengths and qualities, but also values and skills, and
• Pupils in the 5th and 6th year of primary school, 1st, finally to immerse yourself in different working envi-
and 2nd year of secondary school ronments by reflecting on our different senses.
• People undergoing professional reintegration
• Based on the educational theory of the participa-
tion, usable during an individual interview or in RESULTS AND IMPACT
group, - Offers great flexibility of use that is adapt-
able to a varied public: colour prints, texts and The presentation leads students to make links and
photos or pictorial representations. selections... to modify or adapt their perceptions. It
allows them, at their own pace, to open, extend or
question their frames of reference to open their per-
METHODOLOGY ceptions to new realities.
Convinced of the necessity of the “guidance” ap- The game highlights these manual jobs which have
proach for many years, and within our professional great prospects, and motivates young people to
practice using the concepts of Activation in Vocation- move towards them, because too often the choice of
al and Personal Development (ADUP) , we wanted to the technical sectors in secondary education results
develop the “At your fingertips” game staying as close from a choice by obligation due to academic difficul-
as possible to its underlying principles. In short, the ties and not due to true motivation.
main ideas are that the student, who can make his It also allows you to question yourself, your strengths
own choices, is able, if supported, to find his own and qualities, but also values and skills,