Page 41 - Euroguidance-Networkys-Highlights-of-the-Year-2015
P. 41


 The international dimension in guidance as part of national career
 guidance education
                 Mobility For

 Euroguidance Sweden is annually giving lectures  much harder to reach from the Euroguidance   Youngsters
 for students who are studying to become career  Centre’s perspective.
 guidance counsellors. This is a way to ensure that
 upon graduation all guidance counsellors have an   The  lectures  given  by  the  Euroguidance  expert
 understanding of the international dimension in   focus on EU policy developments in the area
 guidance and know how the Euroguidance Centre   of guidance, the Euroguidance network and its
 can support them.  services, and other European mobility initiatives.
 The benefits, possibilities and guidance process
 In Sweden there is a 3-year undergraduate uni-  in relation to international mobility are covered
 versity programme in Career Guidance and Coun-  as well. The lectures are usually followed by
 selling.  Altogether  about  180  new  students  are  discussions among the students, and they are
 admitted each year to this programme offered  videorecorded for distance learners enrolled in
 at three different universities across the country:   the programme.
 Umeå in the north, Stockholm, and Malmö in the   In 2015, three countries – Belgium, Luxembourg and the United
 south. They supply the Swedish labour market   Through these annual lectures, the international
 with a skilled guidance workforce and Euroguid-  dimension in guidance becomes part of the   Kingdom – were actively involved in addressing international
 ance Sweden has developed regular cooperation   national career guidance education. This practice   mobility of young people from different perspectives. The
 with them.  makes Swedish guidance practitioners more mo-
 tivated and better equipped in terms of guiding   country-specific highlights in this section deal with improving
 Meeting all students at the programme every   their clients on studying or working abroad. Final-  coping skills required on a mobility period abroad, establishing
 year,  gives  Euroguidance  Sweden  a  chance  to   ly, it helps to make Euroguidance Sweden better
 get in touch with a substantial part of all future   known in the Swedish guidance community.  new forms of cross-border cooperation to promote youth
 guidance professionals at the same time. As soon   mobility as well as informing youngsters about the different
 as these students graduate and start working,   Further reading:
 they will be placed in schools and employment   Career Guidance in Sweden.  mobility opportunities there are available to them.
 offices around the country. That makes them

 Nina Ahlroos
 IN-SERVICE    Euroguidance Sweden
 TRAINING –   Email [email protected]
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