Page 45 - Euroguidance-Networkys-Highlights-of-the-Year-2015
P. 45
Kingdom Diverse
Stand Out in a Global Market Service
There have recently been changes to the delivery and individuals sharing their own experiences.
of guidance in England. It has resulted in young They were interspersed with workshops and Initiatives
people not always being fully informed of the activities, and there were also exhibitions with
opportunities offered by mobility. As a response to organisations offering more information on their
this, the UK Euroguidance Centre has developed particular offerings. A video of the event can
the Stand Out in a Global Market brand of events be found on our Youtube channel. The keynote
aimed at young people in school, in particular speaker at our Leeds event was the former
those in post compulsory secondary education, head of Nestle, Europe. The Cardiff event was
and also young people in vocational training and webcast to schools across Wales reaching a
education. wider audience than just those physically atten-
As the first event held in Leeds in 2014 was a huge
success, it was decided to repeat and extend this The events had an impact on the numbers of
in 2015. In late 2015, there were two events held young people who actually consider and take In 2015, Estonia, Finland and Latvia have explored new
under the Stand Out in a Global Market banner. up mobility as part of their education, training
The Leeds event targeted schools in the Yorkshire or working careers. They helped to counter the approaches to developing guidance service provision and
and Humber region, and the second event in fall in careers education input to young people to addressing the more hidden learning needs of guidance
Cardiff targeted the Wales region. in schools, caused by restrictions to careers gui-
dance due to reduced funding or by changes to counsellors. These initiatives touch upon e-guidance, service
The events aimed to introduce young people to the organisation and delivery of careers guidance design and implementation of new legislation.
the fullest range of opportunities offered by mo- in England.
bility: from an experience in a university in ano-
ther country through the ERASMUS+ scheme to
a pre- or post-university Gap year experience
and working abroad. Another topic addressed
was how a mobility experience can enhance your
CV and make you with an international experi-
ence more attractive to employers in the UK or
abroad. This was discussed by those who had
undertaken mobility and employers talking about
what they value in applicants with a mobility
The events consisted of presentations from
organisations explaining the benefits of mobility Photo: Euroguidance UK
Mick Carey
Euroguidance UK
Email [email protected]