Page 47 - Euroguidance-Networkys-Highlights-of-the-Year-2015
P. 47
Estonia Finland
Promoting e-services in Northern Europe Design for innovation and better service
Foundation Innove, acting as the Euroguid- practices and e-services in the field of lifelong In 2015, Euroguidance Finland launched a service A rich evidence base has been created through
ance Estonia, hosted the first e-Guidance and guidance. The country teams noted that the design project to better understand guidance individual interviews and focus groups conducted
e-Governance seminar in Tallinn in October 2015. first step at a national level is to create a jointly practitioners’ attitudes towards and perceptions with representatives of education and employ-
The event aimed at supporting international agreed vision for the conceptual framework of of internationalization and international mobility. ment sectors in 2015. An online questionnaire
knowledge sharing between stakeholders on the e-Guidance. It should consist of a jointly agreed Service design is about innovating, creating and completed by more than 200 respondents pro-
development and provision of e-services in the overall technical architecture, including a descrip- developing services by designing them based on vided additional insights into the target groups’
field of lifelong guidance. The idea to organise tion of key guidance functions and interfaces with client needs and service provider’s institutional mindset. In 2016, also the end-users (potenti-
this international seminar on e-Guidance and existing national information systems and online strategy. The main aim in service design is to ally mobile young people) will be consulted on-
e-Governance was born at the International services available for citizens. line on matters linked to studying and training
Symposium on Career Development and Public make the client’s user experience as positive as abroad.
possible. Active involvement and concrete input
Policies in June 2015, in Des Moines, USA. Developing e-Guidance and e-Governance is im-
portant for Estonia as it is one of the leading of clients are the key to successfully implemen- The analysis of the above material will provide
The seminar in Tallinn was organised by Foun- countries in the world in providing e-services ting the service design process. Euroguidance Finland with a foundation for de-
dation Innove in close cooperation with the to its citizens. These e-services have already livering services in a more innovative way to the
representatives of the Finnish Education and become the norm for Estonians: e-elections, With the service design project Euroguidance Finnish guidance community. Also new appro-
Employment Ministries, the European Lifelong e-taxes, e-police, e-healthcare, e-banking, and Finland plans to reach the hidden or unconscious aches for motivating guidance counsellors to
Guidance Policy Network Coordination Unit at e-school. Every inhabitant can obtain a smart ID- emotions of guidance practitioners linked to promote international mobility to their clients are
the University of Jyväskylä, Estonian stakeholders card that enables him or her to make use of all of internationalization that may play a role in their expected to be found.
from the education and labour sectors as well as daily work. The intention is to uncover the diffe-
representatives from the private sector. these solutions and sign documents digitally. By rent subgroups within the diverse target group This development project will be implemented in
means of e-Guidance also information and advice of guidance practitioners: can different users cooperation with a Finnish service design com-
This seminar initiative has been a crucial acce- on international mobility can be more efficiently within the main target group be identified and pany called Darwin Ltd. The project will run until
lerator promoting the development of innovative provided to those interested in the future. if so, how can Euroguidance services be further summer 2016.
developed on the basis of the needs expressed
by the subgroups.
Photo: Jarek Jõepera Photo: Kristina Orion
Margit Rammo Euroguidance Finland
Euroguidance Estonia
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