Page 49 - Euroguidance-Networkys-Highlights-of-the-Year-2015
P. 49
Supporting the implementation of career guidance legislation
in the education sector
The national Law on Education in Latvia was should include and to enable managers, who
amended in 2013. One of the objectives was have the task of developing guidance services
to improve access to guidance in the education and careers education plans, to do so.
sector. The legislative amendments define the As a result of the workshops, VET managers have
terms career, careers education and career
guidance. They also indicate which actors in the been able to identify the career aspects of the
activities they have traditionally performed:
education system should undertake which tasks.
The Education Law now states that students have
the right to vocational guidance and that schools 1. student recruitment - attracting and selecting
have an obligation to provide career support ser- students according to their interests and
vices for students. This means that guidance, in- abilities;
cluding careers education and information, career 2. student retention – help with adaptation,
and personal counselling, must be available to study skills, motivation;
students to support career planning and making 3. introduction to the world of work – labour
choices about education and work. and tax legislation, workers’ rights and
responsibilities, employment options and
The implementation of the legislative changes entrepreneurship, and
has been hampered by a lack of awareness, tools 4. practical placements – experience in the
and methods among school administrators and workplace as a trainee.
teachers. This is where Euroguidance Latvia has
stepped in to fill the gap. A series of training se- All these dimensions contribute to developing
minars for school teachers on integrating career employability skills, professional identity and
guidance in general education schools has been career management. Managers have also recog-
run since 2013. In 2015, workshops for vocational nized the various guidance roles of staff members
school leaders have been held to increase under- and have developed school guidance teams and
standing of what career guidance at VET schools annual guidance activity plans.
Euroguidance Latvia
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