Page 43 - Euroguidance-Networkys-Highlights-of-the-Year-2016
P. 43

Annex 1. Staff Reported by

                 the National Euroguidance Centres in 2015

                 The  Euroguidance  Centres  are  small  units.  This  table  shows  the  number  of  staff  working  for
                 Euroguidance in the different countries and their full-time equivalent. On the average, the full-time
                 equivalent  of  staff  for  all  Euroguidance  Centres  is  1.85.  In  some  Centres  there  are  larger
                 teams  in which several staff members allocate a small amount of their annual working time to
                 Euroguidance-related activities, whereas in other Centres there are small core teams with staff  mainly
                 working on Euroguidance duties only.

                  Country  Name of Centre                                         Staff  Equivalent
                    AT   Euroguidance Zentrum Österreich                           6      1.64
                   BE Fr  Centre Euroguidance Federation Wallonie-Bruxelles        2      0.50
                   BE Fl  Euroguidance Flanders                                    1      1.00
                    BG   Human Resources Development Centre                        14     3.80
                    CY   Euroguidance Cyprus                                       2      0.80
                    CZ   Euroguidance Czech Republic                               21     3.30
                    DE   Bundesagentur für Arbeit (BA)                             20     6.00
                    DK   Danish Agency for Higher Education / Danish National Resource and Information Centre   3  1.32
                         for Guidance
                    EE   Foundation Innove, Euroguidance Estonia                   6      1.97
                    ES   Euroguidance Centre Spain - CNROP Centro National de Recursos para la Orientacion   8  2.86
                    FI   Centre for International Mobility CIMO / Euroguidance Finland  4  2.00
                    FR   Euroguidance France                                       20     4.24
                         National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance
                    GR   EOPPEP                                                    9      0.92
                    HR   Euroguidance Centre Croatia                               3      0.65
                    HU   Euroguidance Hungary                                      2      1.75
                    IE   Euroguidance Ireland                                      6      1.00
                    IS   Euroguidance Centre Iceland                               8      0.924
                    IT   Euroguidance Italy                                        12     1.07
                    LT   Education Exchanges Support Foundation                    4      1.12
                    LU   Anefore asbl                                              5      0.26
                    LV   Valsts Izglitibas Attistibas Agentura                     4      1.00
                    MK   National Agency for European Educational Programmes and Mobility  3  0.60
                    MT   European Union Programmes Agency                          n.a.   n.a.
                    NL   Euroguidance Nederland                                    12     1.90
                    NO   Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education  6   1.40
                    PL   Euroguidance Poland                                       15     1.60
                    PT   Euroguidance Centre Portugal                              6      2.04
                    RO   Euroguidance National Centre Romania                      8      2.00
                    RS   Foundation Tempus - Euroguidance Centre in the Republic of Serbia  4  1.35
                    SE   Euroguidance Sweden                                       11     1.70
                    SI   Euroguidance Centre Slovenia                              4      2.25
                    SK   Euroguidance Centre Slovak Republic                       3      1.75
                    TR   Turkish Employment Agency                                 7      1.75
                    UK   Euroguidance UK                                           8      4.40
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