Page 38 - Euroguidance-Networkys-Highlights-of-the-Year-2016
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5.4         Academia –

                         European Study

                         Exchange for Guidance


                         The Academia study exchange programme is a   in Europe have benefited from it. Thereby this
                         cross-border initiative that gives guidance profes-  programme has contributed to strengthening the
                         sionals the opportunity to participate in a learning  European dimension in guidance by building net-
                         mobility period in another European country.  works and promoting mobility and professional
                         Many Euroguidance Centres are the national Aca-  training. The Academia programme promotes the
                         demia programme coordinators. The participating   mobility of guidance practitioners in Europe, en-
                         Euroguidance Centres are engaged in sending   hances cross-border networking and cooperation
                         their own guidance counsellors abroad and   in matters of information and lifelong guidance,
                         receiving  practitioners  from other  countries  on   and fosters the exchange of good practices and
                         thematic study visits for a duration of one week.   methods among the participants. Further infor-
                         The Academia initiative was launched in 1995 and  mation can be found at
                         since then hundreds of guidance practitioners  academia

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