Page 33 - Euroguidance-Networkys-Highlights-of-the-Year-2016
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tioners. By means of presentations, lectures,  regulatory bodies, the warranting of practitioners,
                 round tables and workshops a good overview  as well as ethics and professional practice.
                 of the most recent developments and future
                 needs in the areas of guidance and mobility were   The Serbian Euroguidance Centre offers professi-
                 covered.                                 onal development opportunities for guidance prac-
                                                          titioners, mostly focusing on secondary school
                 Together with its main stakeholders, the Maltese   level. In 2016, the Centre’s basic one-day training
                 Euroguidance Centre organised a number of trai-   was accredited by the Institute for Education
                 ning sessions. These Continuous Professional De-   Development, providing quality assurance for
                 velopment (CPD) events attracted over 300 guid-  this training as well as allowing more teachers to
                 ance practitioners, educators involved in perso-   attend it as part of their obligatory professional
                 nal, social and career development subjects and   development. Eight such trainings were organi-
                 job advisors. The topics introduced were many,   sed across the country and they were attended
                 such  as  how  the  participants  can  keep  abreast   by around 200 secondary school teachers. Fur-
                 with the opportunities beyond secondary schoo-  thermore, an advanced one-day training was
                 ling that are available for their students and
                 how to translate market needs to business pla-   piloted and additional support measures, such
                 nning. Practitioners became acquainted with gui-   as organising webinars for practitioners or pro-
                 ding clients not engaged in formal and compul-   viding individual support for improvement of gui-
                 sory education on how to start their own busi-  dance services were added to the portfolio of
                 ness. The importance of CPD was emphasised   the Serbian Euroguidance Centre. Moreover, the
                 by Dr Siobhan Neary (University of Derby) at   Euroguidance  Centre  organised  the  first  session
                 the Maltese Euroguidance annual conference on   about guidance for the Master-level students
                 Professionalising the career guidance sector. The   studying to become teachers at the Faculty of
                 annual conference also opened discussions rela-  Philosophy, thus contributing to their initial trai-
                 ted to the role of career guidance associations as  ning in guidance.

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