Page 28 - Euroguidance-Networkys-Highlights-of-the-Year-2016
P. 28

4.2          Good Practices

                         and Tools

                         The Euroguidance Centres are constantly devel-  the time abroad. The third section suggests how
                         oping new services and tools to promote inter-  to become a part of the new country and new
                         national  mobility  and  the  European  dimension  culture, whereas the last section is useful after
                         in lifelong guidance. On top of this, inspiration is  coming back home as it provides tools for the
                         frequently  sought  from  other  countries  to  find  evaluation  of  competences  gained  abroad.  The
                         good practices and activities there that eventually  content of the tool has been created in coope-
                         could be applied to one’s own country.   ration with the Lithuanian Erasmus+, Europass,
                                                                  ENIC-NARIC and SOLVIT network coordinators.
                         The interactive mobility guide developed in Li-   The interactive mobility guide has a mobile ver-
                         thuania introduces mobility issues that are rele-  sion and is easy to use on different mobile devi-
                         vant before the mobility period, during and after   ces. For more seea.
                         the stay abroad. This interactive tool is aimed at
                         helping guidance counsellors and their clients to  The  French Euroguidance Network has dissem-
                         better prepare for the mobility activity, to know  inated a new promotional video that has been
                         how to behave in the foreign country and how  designed to show that mobility is for everyone
                         to evaluate the competences developed during  and not only for students in higher education.
                         the stay abroad. The first section deals with  Three different cases are presented: Yassine
                         choosing studies abroad and guides through va-  is an 18 year-old boy without a diploma, Elsa
                         rious programmes (e.g. Erasmus+, Lithuanian sta-  is a young woman of 21 years of age in voca-
                         te scholarships). In the second part, the focus is  tional training and François is a 50 year-old un-
                         on preparing for the mobility phase and helping  employed man. The video is available through
                         people to cope better with the challenges during

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