Page 29 - Euroguidance-Networkys-Highlights-of-the-Year-2016
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applicants, but also to help scholarship holders to
                                                          prepare for mobility or to overcome challenging
                                                          issues during their mobility abroad. On top of this,
                                                          there is a Euroguidance publication on mobility
                                                          opportunities that is distributed at events, and
                                                          copies of it are available in all public libraries in
                                                          the country.
                                                          In 2016, the main focus area for Euroguidance
                                                          Turkey was employers in the context of jobs and
                                                          vocational counselling services. To provide tai-
                                                          lored services to employers, Euroguidance Turkey
                                                          published a guidebook for guidance counsellors
                                                          to  increase  the  quality  of  counselling  activities
                                                          and to standardise the counselling services. The
                                                          aim was to prepare the guidebook based on the
                                                          real needs of the guidance counsellors working
                                                          in the employment offices. Some case examples
                                                          were observed by a team consisting of profes-
                                                          sionals in the employment area who had visited
                                                          four different provinces and interviewed guidance
                                                          counsellors to get their views on the contents of
                                                          the guidebook. Moreover, the team accompanied
                 Euroguidance Italy organised a video competition   some guidance counsellors on company visits.
                 on facilitating learning mobility in Europe called   After visits to local employments offices and
                 Euroguidance: la mobilità transnazionale per   companies, the handbook with the title Employer
                 l’apprendimento in Europa. The main aim of this   Counselling Guidebook was published. A training
                 competition was to promote Euroguidance in a   programme was offered on the use of the hand-
                 modern and dynamic way. All students at edu-  book with 375 guidance counsellors taking part.
                 cational institutions of higher secondary level and   The Macedonian Euroguidance Centre developed
                 Vocational Training Centres (IeFP) were invited to   a Handbook for career development, containing
                 participate. The idea was to submit a previously   best practices in VET. It has been widely distribut-
                 unpublished promotional video made by mobile   ed at events and fairs and is available for down-
                 phone about the importance of Euroguidance   load in PDF format on the web site of the National
                 support for transnational mobility. There were 20   Agency for European Educational Programmes
                 prizes awarded to schools and training centres for   and Mobility
                 the best videos (link to videos, click on vedi video
                 vincitore on the webpage).               Euroguidance Italy published two brochures to
                                                          promote the activities of the Euroguidance net-
                 Serbia has developed a comprehensive pro-  work to the Italian vocational education, training
                 gramme which includes a number of services,   and guidance sector, in particular to teachers,
                 both offline and online, for users before, during   trainers, guidance experts, as well as students,
                 and after mobility. Anyone interested in mobility   recent graduates and those interested in guidance
                 can visit the Foundation Tempus and get infor-  issues and transnational mobility for studying and
                 mation about available mobility programmes,   training. These booklets are available in Italian:
                 have their questions answered and receive free   Rete Europea Euroguidance e il Centro Nazionale
                 copies of booklets with detailed information on   Euroguidance Italy, and Rete Nazionale di Diffusi-
                 mobility, application procedures and links and   one del Centro Nazionale Euroguidance Italy.
                 contacts for next steps. An additional 60-minute
                 online session is organised each week over the  Following the good example of the Slovakian and
                 most popular social media platforms. These  Czech Euroguidance colleagues, the  Hungarian
                 sessions are complemented by a series of events  Euroguidance Award was launched in 2016. The
                 at  universities  and  other  relevant  centres  at  aim  of  this  action  was  to  collect  best  practices
                 which students and youth learn about mobility  from the field of guidance and counselling. Alto-
                 opportunities as well as hear experiences of  gether 30 different institutions or professionals
                 those who went on mobility abroad in previous  submitted their contributions from all over Hun-
                 years. Furthermore, a series of online webinars  gary, and the best ones were awarded in a festive
                 are offered, not only to promote opportunities for  ceremony.

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