Page 30 - Euroguidance-Networkys-Highlights-of-the-Year-2016
P. 30

Another good practice that was introduced in  a clear advantage for its member as, thanks to a
                         Hungary in 2016 is a board game for orientation,  free resource hub, they can constantly get access
                         the original of which was developed by the Lithu-  to quality information on mobility for learning and
                         anian Euroguidance Centre. The aim of the game  career purposes.
                         is to help young people improve their decision   The Self Kit training is the only solid evidence-
                         making skills and make them realise how impor-   based programme for the development of social
                         tant critical thinking is when choosing a career.   and emotional skills in Romania, published in in-
                         The Czech Euroguidance Centre supported mobi-  ternational peer-reviewed publications. The pro-
                         lity and guidance for mobility through the dis-  gramme has been created and delivered by
                         tribution of the Czech language version of the  the University Babeș-Bolyai in Cluj-Napoca and
                         publication  Open the door to the world which  financed, administered and evaluated by Eurogui-
                         was produced by the Nordic-Baltic Euroguidance   dance Romania. After the training organised for
                         Centres in 2014.                         guidance counsellors from the school district of
                                                                  Bucharest  (89  hours),  each  counsellor  received
                         Poland has developed an on-line tool called Net-  the Self Kit. Each kit consists of 8 modules that
                         work  for  career  guidance  practitioners  (NFCGP)   tackle some dysfunctional emotions that have a
                         which is a virtual network, created for the exchange  relatively high incidence in the Romanian school
                         of information, examples of good practice as well  population (based on systematic reviews).
                         as  for  providing  quality  information  on  lifelong  Each module has a therapeutic story, thematic
                         guidance and mobility for learning purposes. At  activities, crosswords, folk stories, a colouring
                         present there are more than 1,000 users enrolled.  book, a mini encyclopaedia (Selfpedia), sayings,
                         Creating the NFCGP gave Euroguidance Poland  riddles, games, puzzle and a CD with stories,
                         the possibility to promote international mobility  poems, songs and a demo Self Kit. The training
                         and the European dimension in lifelong guidance  programme was very well received by all school
                         for Polish guidance practitioners. Using NFCGP is  counsellors involved.

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