Page 32 - Euroguidance-Networkys-Highlights-of-the-Year-2016
P. 32

5.1         Face-to-face


                         Running training sessions on a face-to-face ba-  and universities offer different parts of the nece-
                         sis is probably the most effective way to deliver  ssary service: international liaison officers are
                         training, to support the mutual learning and  responsible for one part, guidance professionals
                         knowledge sharing as well as networking among  for another and head teachers for the rest. In or-
                         the participating guidance counsellors. Yet, face-  der to develop a set of guidelines for the different
                         to-face training is usually also the most expensive  educational institutions, guidance counsellors and
                         way to offer learning opportunities and these  other international staff had a half-day training,
                         days it is often replaced by distance learning.   where they went through the services needed
                                                                  before the mobility, during it and after the return
                         Euroguidance Bulgaria organised its annual trai-   home. It was obvious from the active participation
                         ning for career consultants. For three days over   of everyone who attended the course, that this
                         40 participants from across the country and from   was a much needed and welcome opportunity to
                         different types of institutions were acquainted   discuss how the services could be improved. At
                         with innovative techniques and resources for car-   the end of the course, the first draft of guidelines
                         eer consulting. The prospects and challenges for   was approved and will be sent to all schools and
                         career consultants were discussed in conjunction   universities for comments and improvements.
                         with current trends and policies in career guid-  Thereafter it will serve as a live document for
                         ance at the national and European levels. Through   everyone concerned.
                         a series of interactive games, case studies and si-
                         mulations, participants mastered the key prin-  Out to the world events have been organised in
                         ciples  for building  effective cooperation  with  several  locations in  Finland  in 2016.  The aim  is
                         different target  groups.  Four  career  consultants  to bring information about mobility opportunities
                         presented their experience of conducting forums  to young people and guidance workers in diffe-
                         for career guidance and several innovative  rent parts of the country, e.g. the cities of Lahti
                         techniques, which they use when working with  (south), Jyväskylä (central) and Oulu (north). The
                         students. At the event, new training ambassadors  role of these events is to encourage youngsters
                         of mobility were nominated. Their mission is to  to consider studying, training and voluntary work
                         disseminate  and  present  Euroguidance  to the  in another country as well as to provide the gui-
                         broadest possible group of users through events,  dance practitioners with information and materi-
                         presentations, games, and competitions.  als to better tackle mobility related issues as an
                                                                  increasing part of their regular work.
                         Students who participate in the Bologna Reform
                         in  Iceland Project (BORE) have expressed the  Training of guidance practitioners is an important
                         need for more holistic guidance services for in-   activity  of  the  Spanish  Euroguidance  Centre.  In
                         ternational mobility.  As  the  situation  is  now,  2016, training delivery took place all over Spain
                         different people within upper secondary schools  in the form of conferences for guidance practi-

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