Page 36 - Euroguidance-Networkys-Highlights-of-the-Year-2016
P. 36

5.3         Job


                         Job shadowing is a useful activity that allows  •   discuss, share  and compare daily  guidance
                         people either to explore a career that they are   work with their Estonian peers;
                         interested in or to learn from other experts in  •   acquire an overview of the world of educa-
                         their  own  fields.  As  a  method  of  learning  and   tion, labour market and lifelong guidance in
                         professional development, job shadowing pro-  Estonia;
                         vides more insight than just reading about a job.  •   practice professional terminology and partici-
                         With job shadowing, there is the possibility to ask   pate in discussions in a foreign language;
                         questions and experience the day-to-day activi-  •   widen professional network and cooperation
                         ties of another expert, including the professional   opportunities;
                         approaches used, the necessary cooperative  •   learn, practice and reflect on new methods.
                         models, standard operating procedures and the   The internship, with a strong job shadowing as-
                         tools that are needed to perform the job success-
                         fully. On some occasions job shadowing has been   pect, was an inspiring experience both for guests
                                                                  and hosts. The evaluation of learning outcomes
                         used  by  the  national  Euroguidance  Centres  as
                         reported in the following cases.         showed that the students greatly appreciated
                                                                  the opportunity  to visit and actually practise
                         Euroguidance Estonia hosted foreign interns for  guidance in different educational institutions. The
                         the first time, when three bachelor-level students  host  practitioners  highly  valued  the  opportunity
                         from the University of Applied Labour Studies in  to reflect on their guidance methods, practice
                         Mannheim, Germany, came onto a job shadowing  professional language and learn about systems
                         experience. This was an excellent opportunity for  and services in Germany.
                         a dialogue between experienced professionals
                         and student counsellors. The one month intern-  Due to lack of lifelong learning programmes in
                         ship allowed them to:                    Slovenian for adults in Italy, cross-border coope-
                                                                  ration is very important. Against this background,
                         •   experience learning in multicultural environ-  the professional exchange including job shadow-
                            ments and mobility;                   ing entitled Per un orientamento transnazionale
                                                                  was organised for the  Slovenian community in
                                                                  Trieste, Italy together with the social cooperative
                                                                  Centro cooperativo di attività sociali, consortium
                                                                  members circle KRUT and the Slovenian students’
                                                                  hall of residence in Trieste. The aim is to set up a
                                                                  transnational lifelong guidance service with a cata-
                                                                  logue of lifelong learning courses for Slovenian
                                                                  speakers in cooperation with Slovenian providers
                                                                  of adult education services to be delivered in Italy
                                                                  or Slovenia. The professional exchange included
                                                                  one week of training and job shadowing at the
                                                                  Employment Service of Slovenia, Euroguidance
                                                                  Slovenia and a week of training at the Sloveni-
                                                                  an Institute for Adult Education to develop adult

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