Page 41 - Euroguidance-Networkys-Highlights-of-the-Year-2016
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discussion than was possible on social media and provide career professionals with the tools
alone. Therefore, Euroguidance UK has launched they need to perform their roles and tasks. The
monthly Brexit briefing papers. These updates research was done on request of the Dutch Mi-
provide a concise round up of the month’s deve- nistry of Education, Culture and Science. The main
lopments, focussing on the impact Brexit is having conclusions were that there are several courses
on the careers guidance profession. This includes and different programmes at higher education
changes within the labour market, impact on level offering components that are relevant but it
European funding, alterations to free movement is striking that there is no complete initial training
rules and many more. They are made available programme offered for career professionals in the
via the Euroguidance UK webpages, promoted education and labour market. The result of this
through social media channels and emailed to the research will contribute to a policy discussion on
centre’s network of guidance professionals. the career guidance education offer and its po-
The Netherlands carried out research into edu- tential improvements. In the coming months, Eu-
cation for future career guidance professionals in roguidance Netherlands will discuss with various
the education and labour market. The goal was trainers what changes are desirable or necessary
to visualise the courses which exist at higher from the perspective of students, schools and
education level and include a career component teachers, related to career guidance education.