Page 27 - Euroguidance-Networkys-Highlights-of-the-Year-2016
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•   A European Career Guidance Concept for In-  Centre for the Development of Educational Po-
                    ternational Youth Mobility by Florian Kreutzer  licy of the Greek General Confederation of La-
                    & Elena Iuga (2016).                  bour, has developed a targeted counselling and
                 •   An interactive e-Learning portal, primarily  career guidance methodology for guidance prac-
                    focused on the counselling interviews about  titioners. This project includes:
                    international mobility of young people, offe-  •   The development of scientific and educational
                    ring a practical training on how to guide them   material to raise career guidance practitioners’
                    up to exemplary dialogue sequences.      awareness about the issue of NEETs, based
                 •   Advanced trainings through e-Teaching and   on a literature review and the mapping of
                    e-Counselling enable guidance counsellors to   best practices and intervention methods used
                    conduct web-conferences and online mee-   in EU countries;
                    tings and carry out the advanced training  •   A 35-hour training programme  targeted for
                    methods of the European guidance concept.    career guidance practitioners, based on the
                    Further information as well as all products of   above mentioned material and the proposed
                    the Guide My W@y project are available at:    theoretical counselling methodology.
                                                          Two  seminars  were  held  in  2016,  attended  by
                 PrevDrop - Detecting and Preventing Drop  out   over 600 participants, with the aim to strengthen
                 from Higher Education or Supporting Students to   career guidance staff to be able to implement
                 Switch Successfully to VET: the project aims to   effective guidance interventions, according to the
                 equip student counsellors at universities, careers   needs of NEETs and to tackle social exclusion.
                 counsellors at employment agencies as well as the   The training material integrated the analytical
                 students themselves with tools, knowledge and   data for NEETs, according to the findings of a
                 resources that help the users to detect dropout   recent nationwide survey (the first nationwide
                 risks and to provide or find adequate support. A   survey in Europe) entitled Barometer absentee.
                 self-reflection tool to prevent dropout from higher   The training manual presented a basic theoretical
                 education and to support students to switch suc-  framework for the counselling of NEETs, including
                 cessfully to VET has been developed. The project   a conceptual  depiction  of the phenomenon  ac-
                 provides a low-threshold approach to starting a   cording to international literature, illustrating best
                 counselling process. A comprehensive resour-   practices and innovative counselling intervention
                 ce package, consisting of a training manual, a   methods used in various countries and a proposed
                 trainer’s  guide  and  a  set  of  slides,  is  available   theoretical framework for a relevant counselling
                 online. The face-to-face training within the   intervention.  This  material  helps counsellors  to
                 project have demonstrated that an exchange   get an overview of the subject and identify the
                 of experiences is much  appreciated  by coun-  specific characteristics and needs of the target
                 sellors. For  further  information please  visit:    group and the advisory intervention methodolo-
                                                          gy. Additionally, the manual includes activities and
                 In Greece, the group of people neither in edu-  exercises that guidance practitioners can use to
                 cation nor holding a job (NEET) is huge and the  raise the awareness and activation of NEETs in the
                 Euroguidance Centre, in cooperation with the  advisory process, either at individual or group level.

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