Page 23 - Euroguidance-Networkys-Highlights-of-the-Year-2016
P. 23

Another cross-border cooperation example is the  people with special needs to benefit from support
                 one of Luxembourg, France (Lorraine) and Bel-  and placement opportunities provided by other
                 gium (Wallonie). For several years, the Luxem-  European countries.
                 bourg Euroguidance Centre has been promoting
                 regular exchanges of best practices between the   A cross-border study visit to Denmark and Swe-
                 guidance services in the border region. In 2016,   den gave participants the opportunity to compare
                 the cooperation focused on guidance for young   guidance systems in these two countries and to
                 people with learning difficulties and special   exchange experiences and best practices. The
                 needs. A symposium was organised and some   Danish and Swedish Centres offered a study visit
                 80 guidance counsellors from the three countries   on Guidance in the bordering region of Oresund
                 participated. There were workshops dealing with   to Copenhagen, Denmark and Malmö, Sweden.
                 guidance issues and the support for young people   Colleagues from the entire Euroguidance network
                 with special needs in the different countries. The   were invited: 16 Euroguidance colleagues and
                 goal of the event was to develop specific coope-   one EACEA representative joined the visit. Apart
                 ration models between the countries to improve   from learning about lifelong guidance in the two
                 guidance services for special target groups.   countries, it was also a good opportunity for new-
                                                          comers in the network to learn about the work of
                 For facilitating information exchange and coun-  Euroguidance and to meet other colleagues. All
                 selling of people interested in going abroad,   participants brought one example of good prac-
                 the Luxembourg Euroguidance Centre invited  tice from their work, which was presented during
                 guidance counsellors to a symposium with the  the visit. The added value of this study visit was
                 aim to set up a cross-border guidance network.  that it was possible to obtain knowledge about
                 Luxembourgian counsellors are expected to  two national guidance systems. After two days
                 introduce the European dimension into their  in Copenhagen, the group crossed the bridge of
                 everyday counselling activities. They should not  Öresund and continued for two days in Malmö.
                 only propose national solutions to young people  In both countries, their education and guidance
                 looking for further formal or informal education  systems were presented. The group also had a
                 or employment, but also promote mobility in the  chance to visit and speak to practitioners at gui-
                 cross-border region, and thus help local young  dance centres, schools and universities.

                                                                 3. COOPERATION ACROSS COUNTRIES AND EU FUNDED NETWORKS  23
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