Page 18 - Euroguidance-Networkys-Highlights-of-the-Year-2016
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seminars for guidance counsellors at the Youth
                                                                  Guidance Centres and the VET colleges. The goal
                                                                  was twofold: to foster mobility and to promote
                                                                  VET. The focus was on promoting the numerous
                                                                  possibilities  for  mobility  within  Europe  and  the
                                                                  international activities of the Danish VET colleges.
                                                                  The seminars were carried out by Euroguidance
                                                                  in close cooperation with the relevant colleagues
                                                                  from Erasmus+ VET, Eurodesk and Europass.
                                                                  Euroguidance Finland organised a national trai-
                                                                  ning day to discuss current and future develop-
                                                                  ment needs in the area of providing international
                                                                  and  multicultural  guidance. Some 70 guidance
                         •  the opportunities provided by the Erasmus+   practitioners from different sectors (education
                            programme and the new National Database   and training, employment, youth) and several
                            for Learning Opportunities            non-profit associations took part in the training
                  ;             day. The event was based on the Future Back-
                         •  the 5 Europass documents.             wards method, which relies on participatory and
                         The  Czech Euroguidance Centre co-organised a   interactive ways of working  together in small
                         number of national seminars and workshops to   groups. The method was used for exploring the
                         inform guidance counsellors about international   past,  present  and  future  around  the  challenges
                         mobility and the European dimension in guidance:  that  mobility  and  migration  create  to  guidance
                                                                  provision in Finland. The day generated rich data
                         •   The annual European Voluntary Service inter-   and made previously unknown and implicit issues
                            national meeting (in cooperation with Eras-  clearer and more understandable. Euroguidance
                            mus+)                                 Finland will analyse the results of the day and
                         •   Supporting young people with their career   draw some conclusions valuable for the work of
                            managements skills (in cooperation with   2017.
                            National Institute for Education)
                         •   Possibility of mobility exchange for young pe-
                            ople (in cooperation with the Scout institute)
                         •   European and online tools in guidance (in co-
                            operation with Eurodesk, StudyIN, Europass,
                         •   National Career Guidance Awards (in cooper-
                            ation with the Slovak Euroguidance Centre).
                         The  Bulgarian Euroguidance Centre hosted an
                         event in Sofia that was dedicated to professional
                         lifelong guidance networks. The aim of the
                         event was to inform professionals who work in   The Macedonian Euroguidance Centre organised
                         guidance services about European and national   two seminars for pedagogues, psychologists and
                         policies and to present the activities of differ-  career centres counsellors who work in primary
                         ent types of institutions that provide guidance   and secondary VET schools, providing counselling
                         services to citizens. Furthermore, Euroguidance   and career education to pupils. These seminars
                         Bulgaria  also organised  a 3-day seminar on   were dedicated to their  familiarisation with EU
                         innovative practices in career guidance and   possibilities, networking and introduction to the
                         career management, where participants had the   Erasmus+ programme. In addition, the Centre
                         opportunity to become acquainted with the most   hosted  workshops  in primary  and  secondary
                         recent developments in the field.
                                                                  VET schools to inform their staff about the Eu-
                         For promoting the VET sector and strengthening  roguidance network, career prospects and new
                         the attractiveness of the VET programmes in  developments on the EU level, as well as good
                         Denmark, Euroguidance Denmark arranged two   practices concerning career guidance of pupils.

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