Page 16 - Euroguidance-Networkys-Highlights-of-the-Year-2016
P. 16

2.1         Student Fairs

                         and Careers Days

                         The secondary target group of the Euroguidance  dance  counsellors) and
                         Centres is the general public: students, parents,  (for young people).
                         school staff etc. On matters linked to national and
                         international learning opportunities, these people   A Forum for career guidance entitled Jobs of the
                         are served by guidance practitioners who are the   Future which was organised  by the Bulgarian
                         primary target group of the Euroguidance net-  Euroguidance Centre, attracted a wide range of
                         work. To reach citizens, especially young people,   students and teachers from all over the country.
                         the  national  Euroguidance  Centres  take  part  as   The focus was on future professions and careers
                         exhibitors and presenters in education, training   connected with technology and the opportunities
                         and careers fairs.                       they offer for young people in the years to come.
                                                                  National career days with information stands
                         In 2016, for instance, the Euroguidance Centre in   were also arranged during the year in Sofia, Var-
                         Flanders, Belgium, actively participated in 5 SID-IN    na, Plovdiv, Veliko Turnovo, Russe, Svishtov and
                         student fairs across Flanders. These fairs lasted   Burgas. The main objective of these days was
                         for 3 days each (two days for schools and one day   to help students and young professionals to dis-
                         for parents and the general public) and altogether   cover new career  opportunities  and for emplo-
                         they  attracted  around  60.000  visitors.  At  these   yers to meet potential trainees and employees.
                         fairs, the Flemish Euroguidance team manned a
                         stall on studying abroad, where information and  The Cypriot Euroguidance Centre participated in
                         advice were offered to anyone interested: tea-  the  Cyprus International and Career Exhibition
                         chers, guidance counsellors, students, and parents.  which gave the public the chance to learn more
                         To promote these fairs, a broad mix of media was  about mobility opportunities and acquire informa-
                         used: local newspapers, local television and web-  tion regarding studying and working in various
                         sites such as (for teachers & gui-  countries.

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