Page 12 - Euroguidance-Networkys-Highlights-of-the-Year-2016
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1.3 Euroguidance
Network’s Regional
In the early 2000s, there was a need among then share the results with the whole Eurogui-
several Euroguidance Centres to have closer dance network and other guidance stakeholders
guidance cooperation and networking with their at national and international level. This more
neighbouring countries. The idea was simply to geographically based collaboration has been
work together in smaller groups of countries on developing and growing over the years mainly in
joint projects and initiatives, such as events, pub- two regions: the Nordic and Baltic countries and
lications, study visits and training materials, and in the Central European countries.
1.3.1 The Nordic-Baltic Euroguidance
The Nordic-Baltic Euroguidance Centres have tomorrow. The focus was on how guidance can
a long tradition in cross-border cooperation. foster learning mobility. Altogether some 40
The eight countries (Denmark, Estonia, Finland, guidance professionals, 14 Euroguidance staff and
Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden) several external experts and speakers attended
meet annually to discuss common topics and and contributed to the training. The keynote
share good practices. During the years they have speeches and lectures presented the mobility
created common products that are of value to issue from various angles. Most of the time was
counsellors throughout Europe. In 2015, the group dedicated to the sharing of experiences in dealing
released the publication Open the Door to the with clients, useful tools counsellors have used or
World. would like to have used, and how they can utilise
the good cooperation established during the
In 2016, the first common training course for course for e.g. participation in mobility projects. As
guidance professionals from these eight countries an outcome of the course the participants set up
was held in Vilnius. The theme was international a closed Facebook group for continuous coope-
networking today for new guidance expertise ration and sharing of useful tools and materials.