Page 8 - Euroguidance-Networkys-Highlights-of-the-Year-2016
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1.1 Euroguidance
Network Meetings
The network meetings are important events to cation, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency
discuss and agree upon issues that are relevant for (EACEA). On the one hand, this interaction serves
the whole Euroguidance network. Special atten- the purpose of the Commission giving updates on
tion is given to the strategy, visibility and impact the latest policy and strategy level developments,
of the network activities at these meetings. The and on the other hand, it helps to better link the
continuous sharing of experience and expertise concrete Euroguidance activities towards sup-
supports mutual learning across the Euroguidance porting EU policy and strategy goals in the fields
Centres. Frequently, these meetings are used to of lifelong learning, career guidance, employment
prepare joint initiatives and exchange ideas based and international mobility. From the EACEA, use-
on the work carried out by the four Euroguidance ful instructions for drafting annual work plans and
working groups (see 1.2.). reports are given as well as analytical feedback
on the network level achievements.
These network meetings are also a valuable
forum for the national Euroguidance experts to In 2016, the Euroguidance network meetings
have a dialogue with the representatives of the were held in Prague, the Czech Republic and
European Commission (DG EMPL) and the Edu- in Bratislava, the Slovak Republic. At the first
meeting the focus was on trying to understand
how the impact of the Euroguidance operations
could be measured and what kind of indicators
should be used. Some impact assessment models
were tested and proposals were made for how
they should be modified to meet the needs of
the Euroguidance network. The main emphasis
of the second meeting was on critically debating
the roles of guidance and the mandate of the Eu-
roguidance network within the Europass Decision.
Emphasis was also on agreeing on well-targeted
lobbying towards national authorities about
positioning guidance and the network in a more
transparent and explicit way in the Decision.