Page 10 - Euroguidance-Networkys-Highlights-of-the-Year-2016
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1.2.2 Communications and
Promotion Working Group
The Communication and Promotion working the network at the international guidance con-
group’s (CPWG) main task is to increase the visibi- ference (IAEVG) held in Madrid in November.
lity of the Euroguidance network in relation to its Furthermore, the working group followed up the
key target groups and stakeholders. The working progress made in the European Commission’s
group dealt with the development of the net- Learning Opportunities and Qualifications in Eu-
work’s current website ( and ini- rope –portal. The national Euroguidance Centres
tiated the conceptualisation work on designing have the obligation to ensure that information on
the contents and structure of the new website education and training offers in their countries can
to be created. The Highlights publication that pre- be found there. During 2014-16, the Euroguidance
sents the network’s main achievements in 2015 Centres with their relevant national authorities
was edited, laid out and produced by the group. In have created national learning databases, or if
addition, two Euroguidance Insight newsletters such databases already existed, they have been
were compiled, laid out and published online. The connected to the European portal. Separate EU
Euroguidance Facebook site was actively used funding has been available to the Euroguidance
for posting updates on guidance- and mobility- Centres for enabling this development work on
related matters. In addition, the working group database creation and establishment of intercon-
colleagues coordinated the activities to promote nectivity between national and European portals.
1.2.3 Mobility Working Group
The Mobility working group’s main task is to de- France (webinar) and promoted the Wiki platform
velop and disseminate practical tools and infor- at the IAEVG Conference in Madrid, in November
mation on mobility. In this way the increasingly (a poster session).
internationally oriented work and continuous For promoting mobility among guidance professi-
training of guidance counsellors in the education
and employment sectors can be supported. In onals, the group has been reflecting on how to cre-
ate synergies between different types of mobility
2016, the group met twice to discuss their acti-
vities. experiences (international job shadowing, study
visits abroad, Academia mobility programme for
All information, links and booklets on mobility guidance counsellors, etc.). The group conducted
advice that have been developed by the group a small-scale survey on these issues to collect
are accessible online through their Wiki platform. input and insight from the Euroguidance Centres.
These resources are regularly updated (available The results indicate that it would be helpful for
in French, English, German, Latvian, Flemish, the Euroguidance network to have a system to
Greek and Croatian). In 2016, the group mem- manage guidance practitioners’ mobility and a
bers organised training activities on mobility for well-functioning communication platform about
guidance practitioners in Belgium, Germany and these opportunities.