Page 19 - Euroguidance-Networkys-Highlights-of-the-Year-2016
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The  National  Conference  on Counselling  and  Week.  There  the  best  guidance  practice  prize
                 guidance in school curriculum was organised by  ceremony was organised by Euroguidance Serbia
                 Euroguidance  Romania. The main aim of the  for the first time.
                 event was to exchange ideas and good practices
                 concerning the school subject  Counselling and   Euroguidance  Slovakia organised round table
                 Personal  Development.  It  is  a  new  subject  in   events in four Slovak regions and towns: Zvolen,
                 lower secondary education for students aged   Žilina, Košice, and Bratislava. The aim was to dis-
                 10-15. The event attracted more than 70 school   cuss how career guidance can help in supporting
                 counsellors and teachers, experts, researchers,   the transitions from education to the labour
                 decision-makers in the field of lifelong guidance   market.  The  first  three  round  tables  dealt  with
                 from Romania, Finland and the Netherlands. The   specific  target  groups  (primary  school  pupils,
                 participants represented 35 out of 42 county cen-  secondary school graduates, higher education
                 tres of counselling across Romania. Several topics   graduates), whereas the final one was summari-
                 were covered by the plenary and workshop ses-  sing the key findings of the previous three and
                 sions,  such  as  career  counselling  on  teenagers’   formulating recommendations for policy makers
                 personal development, preventing early school   and stakeholders both at national and regional
                 leaving, violence, drug abuse, socio-emotional   levels. More than 70 participants, representatives
                 development, learning  management, career   of schools from all levels of formal education,
                 management and lifestyle. One of the keynote   guidance service providers, employment ser-
                 speeches of the conference was given by Dr   vices, employers, regional administration, NGO´s,
                 Raimo Vuorinen from Finland. The conference   discussed two key questions:
                 was highly appreciated by participants and pro-  •   What tools, measures, practices are currently
                 vided valuable information for the organisation of   in use and what is still needed to improve
                 future events. (Conference website)         transitions from education to labour market?
                                                          •   How can career guidance help to support
                 The  Serbian Euroguidance Centre coorganised
                 two national conferences with the Ministry of    these transitions?
                 Education, Science and Technological Devel-  Examples of successful initiatives, programmes
                 opment and the Ministry of Youth and Sport.  and projects from EU countries as well as local
                 Both  events  attracted  around  150  guidance  ones were presented at all these meetings. The
                 practitioners from education, youth work and  European  Youth Guarantee  initiative  and  the
                 employment  sectors  from  across  the  country.  Slovak translation of the paper The Youth Gua-
                 The conference in February focused on career  rantee and Lifelong Guidance (Borbély-Pecze &
                 guidance system development, the use of ICT  Hutchinson, ELGPN 2013) were introduced. These
                 in guidance as well as guidance in secondary  Euroguidance round tables were very useful in
                 schools. It featured several national contributions  supporting discussion and cooperation among
                 and presentations by European experts such as  all stakeholders on this challenging topic and in
                 John McCarthy (ICCDPP), Helmuth Zelloth (ETF),  identifying how career guidance can help people
                 Irena Bačelić from the Croatian Ministry of Em-  manage better their transitions from education to
                 ployment. The conference in December was an  the world of work.
                 official event of the  European Vocational  Skills

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