Page 22 - Euroguidance-Networkys-Highlights-of-the-Year-2016
P. 22

3.1         Joint Actions

                         Between Neighbouring


                         The Euroguidance Centres with their partners    guidance and employability. Additional actions
                         and key stakeholders are involved in developing   are joint participation at fairs, hosting compa-
                         and maintaining cross-border activities that con-   ny and school visits for guidance professionals
                         cern all levels of education, training and employ-   in both regions, and bi-annually organising
                         ment. The main aim is to improve the skills   2-day cross-border seminars.
                         needed for the transnational labour market. In
                         this way citizens can enhance their international   The Regional education authority Rectorat of
                         competences to integrate better into the world   Strasbourg with the chambers of commerce and
                         of work.                                 crafts, OFAJ and companies have put in place
                                                                  services to enable French youngsters to discover
                         A cross-border agreement between the Acade-  the world of business in Germany. This can, for
                         my of Strasbourg’s guidance services (France)  example, take the form of company visits, fairs or
                         and the Baden Württemberg’s Federal Employ-  internships. The three main services are:
                         ment Agencies (Germany), signed in 2011, serves
                         two objectives:                          •   The cross-border apprenticeship enables ap-
                                                                    prentices enrolled in a training centre or uni-
                         •   The promotion of exchanges:  integrating a   versity in Alsace to undertake their practical
                            cross-border dimension in guidance inter-  training in companies in the Baden-Württem-
                            views, sharing information on training and   berg and vice versa. For more information:
                            employment, and promoting guidance actions
                            to enable young people to discover oppor-  •   The French-German co-qualification (Azubi/
                            tunities in the neighbouring country. This   bac pro) enables apprentices and VET stu-
                            includes mutual monthly visits between the   dents to obtain a skills certificate recognised
                            French and German guidance counsellors to   in the other country on top of their national
                            inform their clients interested in international   diploma.
                            mobility across borders.              •   The Eurogio Certificat certifies students have
                         •   The improvement of guidance  counsellors’   completed an internship of at least 4 weeks
                            skills through cross-border training actions   in the other country. For more information:
                            and thematic workshops on information,

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