Page 20 - Euroguidance-Networkys-Highlights-of-the-Year-2016
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2.3          International

                         Guidance Conferences

                         The  national  Euroguidance  Centres are often  theme of the event was regional cross-sectoral
                         involved in organising large-scale international  guidance cooperation. To identify the powerful
                         seminars and conferences. These target the  features and points of interest of national/
                         communities of guidance practice, research and  regional/local cooperation in the field of lifelong
                         policy and deal with topics and themes that are  career guidance, Euroguidance Netherlands along
                         of common interest and relevance across Europe.  with Finland, Estonia and Cedefop carried out a
                         The  Czech  Euroguidance Centre co-organised   survey. In it the EU countries provided data on
                         with  the  Department of  Educational  Sciences   national and regional cooperation in career
                         of the Masaryk University an  international   services. Interactive workshops illustrated some
                         conference on Paths to Professionalising Career   best practices of regional approaches. The results
                         Guidance. The event was promoted to European   of the conference have been summarized into
                         career counsellors, teachers and trainers from   eleven recommendations for European, national,
                         the UK, Norway, Slovakia, Sweden and Slovenia,   regional and cross-sectoral approaches (link).
                         and the Czech Republic. Among the topics were   Presentations can be accessed through this link.
                         Erasmus+ projects supporting mobility exchange   The international dimension was very prevalent
                         and guidance in mobility.                at the two guidance seminars that Euroguidance
                         The  Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and   Cyprus  hosted. Both events were attended by
                         Science, in cooperation with Euroguidance   guidance and mobility experts from other EU
                         Netherlands, organised the  6th European con-  countries (UK, Ireland, Greece) in an effort to
                         ference on lifelong guidance policy in Haarlem  promote  the  European  dimension  in  lifelong
                         where around 75 country representatives from  guidance as well as to share views on guidance
                         27 European countries participated. The overall  practices across the participating countries.

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