Page 20 - Information-on-the-Lifelong-Guidance-System-in-the-Czech-Republic
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                 (Úřad práce České republiky, ÚP)     possibly non-profit or private entities� The
                 The Labour Office is an administrative body   institute also provides consulting services
                 with nationwide authority�  The Labour   for the users of research outputs, organises
                 Office is headed by Labour Office General   seminars and conferences and publishes
                 Directorate (Generální ředitelství Úřadu práce,   specialist materials� Research projects are
                 GŘ ÚP), which runs 14 regional Labour   planned every year in collaboration with
                 Offices� The regional Labour Offices deal   the institute’s founder and other concerned
                 with tasks in the areas of employment,   parties and take into account the continuity
                 protection of workers when their employers   of the development of science and research
                 become insolvent and state social support�   in the areas in question� The institute’s main
                 Subordinate branch labour offices operate   areas of research are: the labour market and
                 in all 14 regions� The labour offices provide   employment; social dialogue and labour
                 a wide range of guidance and counselling   relations; social protection; the family; equal
                 services to job applicants, jobseekers, young   opportunities; incomes and wages; social
                 people and others concerned and employ-  policy theory�
              —   The Fund of Further Education (Fond
                 dalšího vzdělávání, FDV)          5�3 National guidance
                 The FDV was established in 2011 and
                 provides guidance and counselling services   forum and career
                 in close cooperation with the MLSA and
                 labour offices through projects co-financed  guidance and
                 by the European Social Fund and the state   counselling associations
                 budget of the Czech Republic� The FDV aims
                 to implement and coordinate activities in
                 the area of further education, to facilitate   The National Guidance Forum (Národní
                 better employability of Czech citizens in   poradenské fórum, NPF) was established on May
                 the labour market and to effectively help   13, 2010 by mutual agreement between the
                 to reduce existing structural and sectoral   Minister of Education, Youth and Sports and the
                 qualification deficiencies and to reflect   Minister of Labour and Social Affairs� The NPF is
                 the educational needs of the Czech labour   an advisory body for both ministries in lifelong
                 market�                           career guidance and counselling� The NPF does
                                                   not replace the coordination structures already
              —   The Research Institute for Labour   existing in the field of career guidance and
                 and Social Affairs (Výzkumný ústav práce   counselling, but realises its goals through mem-
                 a sociálních věcí, v. v. i., VÚPSV)  is a public   ber organisations, working groups and project
                 research institution� The institute’s principal   partnerships� Through the NPF it is possible –
                 activity is applied research on labour and   given the potential of its members – to ensure
                 social affairs issues at a regional, national   the inter-ministerial coordination of activities
                 and international level; this research is   and project plans implemented in the field of
                 formulated in line with the current require-  lifelong guidance�
                 ments of state government authorities and
                                                   The majority of guidance and counselling
                                                   practitioners’ associations act in the education
              39             sector� They are:
              40     Act No� 73/2011 Coll�, on the Labour Office of
                  the Czech Republic�              —   The Association of Educational Coun-
                                                      sellors in the Czech Republic (Asociace
              41              výchovných poradců), which has been

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