Page 16 - Information-on-the-Lifelong-Guidance-System-in-the-Czech-Republic
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contributing to the achievement of the main administrative burden on businessmen
goals of education: personal development con- compared to 2005: 30%�
tributing to improving the quality of human life,
maintenance and development of culture as — The national sub-goal for increasing labour
a system of shared values, development of ac- productivity compared to 2010: 20%�
tive citizenship creating conditions for a socially
cohesive society and democratic governance, — The government of the Czech Republic will
and preparation for employment� The strategy present the Commission with a national
formulates three key priorities: goal of a ratio of university-educated peo-
ple between the ages of 30 and 34 of 32%�
1� to achieve the significant decrease in
inequality in the education system in the — The government of the Czech Republic will
following years present the Commission with a national
goal of the ratio of students prematurely
2� to support teachers as the key prerequisite leaving educational institutions of 5�5%�
of a high-quality education system
Measures aimed at reaching those and other
3� to introduce effective and accountable priority targets are formulated annually in the
governance of the education system� National Reform Programme of the Czech
Republic among others, it includes support
for guidance and counselling within the
education and employment sector as well as
In relation to fulfilling the goals of the Europe need for close cooperation between these two
2020 Strategy, corresponding national goals areas� With regard to career guidance, employ-
of the Czech Republic were set� The main ers should be empowered to become more
targets for education and training and employ- involved and the relevance of education at the
ment, which should be achieved by 2020, have secondary and tertiary levels should increase in
been identified as: relation to demands of the labour market and
— The government of the Czech Republic will
present the European Commission with
a national goal of an overall employment 4�4 State of
level of 75%�
implementation and
— The national sub-goal of employment
among women: 65%� impact
— The national sub-goal of employment
among older workers: 55%� The Czech Republic enjoys strong labour market
performance� Strong job creation has been the
— The national sub-goal of decreasing the engine behind consistent improvement� In the
level of unemployment among young peo- first half of 2017, for the first time, total employ-
ple (15–24 years old): a one-third decrease ment exceeded 5 million� The employment rate
compared to 2010� has reached a record high of 78�9% in Q3 - 2017�
The overall level of employment is currently
— The national sub-goal of decreasing the high, but certain disadvantaged groups remain
level of unemployment of persons with underrepresented in the labour market� These
low qualifications: A one-quarter decrease include parents with young children, low-skilled
compared to 2010� workers, people with disabilities and Roma� The
effectiveness of active labour market policies
— The national sub-goal for decreasing the (ALMP) is low in general and particularly so for