Page 12 - Information-on-the-Lifelong-Guidance-System-in-the-Czech-Republic
P. 12
3� 1� 2 at higher education institutions must be accredited by the Ministry
institutions of Education, Youth and Sports�
See TAbLE № 2
Most higher education guidance and coun-
selling centres report on their activities to the 3� 1� 3 within non-formal
management of the higher education institu-
tion in which they operate� In addition, counsel- vocational education and
ling centres are monitored by the Association training
of university guidance counsellors (Asociace
vysokoškolských poradců) , which is classified
as an association under the Civil Code and The provision of career guidance and counsel-
has no authority over either these centres or ling within non-formal vocational education
higher education institutions� Higher education and training is not monitored or evaluated�
TAbLE № 2: Number of students, higher education institutions and career guidance and counselling
centres (2016/2017) 17
Number of Higher education institution
and state Private Total
BA students 157 912 23 150 181 062
MA students 103 096 8 314 111 410
PhD students 23 177 88 23 265
total students 284 185 31 552 315 737
higher education institutions 26 41 67
career guidance and counselling 72 2 74