Page 7 - Information-on-the-Lifelong-Guidance-System-in-the-Czech-Republic
P. 7

2� 5� 1�1 in schools up to the tertiary
                professional level

                The legislative basis for school counselling
                services, defining their standard activities;
                distributing the performance of counselling ser-
                vices between the school and school guidance
                facilities, which have the relevant professionals
                and diagnostic tools and methods, and which
                generally serve a number of schools in any one

                Insufficient capacity of educational counselling
                to cover all standard operations, over-concen-
                tration of different types of tasks to be carried
                out by an educational counsellor, the insuffi-
                cient capacity of most school guidance facilities,
                the regions’ responsibility for educational coun-
                selling and methodological guidance from the
                Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS),
                which is not carried out to a sufficient extent,
                the non-systemic participation of counsellors in
                further education�

                2� 5� 1�2 in higher education        2� 5� 2 in the employment

                A legislative basis that gives higher education   Labour market information is provided in
                institutions the freedom to choose which   schools in cooperation with the local Infor-
                guidance and counselling services are provided,   mation and Counselling Centres schools also
                active cooperation between higher education   usually organise a number of visits for students
                counselling centres under the Association   to the centres� The services in these centres are
                of university guidance counsellors (Asociace   dependent on the numbers of individual
                vysokoškolských poradců)�            counsellors and centres are facing capacity
                                                     problems due to staff reductions�
                Non-systemic financial and material support   As for career planning support for adults,
                from the state and higher education institutions   the Labour Office specialises in counselling for
                themselves, inadequate staffing�     the unemployed� Career counselling is seen
                                                     as inadequate due to the lack of a systemat-
                                                     ic framework and staffing deficiencies and
                                                     its availability is generally uncoordinated� In
                                                     both the regions surveyed by the case study,
                                                     fewer than one quarter of the newly registered
                                                     unemployed receive counselling during the first
                                                     few months after they begin claiming benefits�

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