Page 6 - Information-on-the-Lifelong-Guidance-System-in-the-Czech-Republic
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mainly impacted manufacturing and construc- 2�4 Skills gaps
tion, while employment in the service sector
grew even during the crisis� During the recovery
period some manufacturing branches started A survey was carried out under the VIP Career II
to grow as well (e�g� metal products, machin- – Career Counselling project, entitled “Pro-
ery, automotive, repair and installation) and in fessions and occupations that employers
2012 the proportion of manufacturing was only need”� The survey identified those professions
slightly under the level of 2008� or occupations where companies encountered
on the one hand a lack of workers and on the
other a lack of good quality young workers and
2�3 Demographic occupations they felt to be promising for the
future� The questionnaire survey was carried
balance out among employers in industry (secondary
sector), in services (tertiary sector), in the qua-
ternary sector and in agriculture�
The Czech Republic covers an area of 78 900 km 2
and the population was 10�6 million as of 2016� The results of the survey show that a total of
The total population is expected to keep increas- 69% of respondents find that there is a shortage
ing until 2018 due to growing life expectancy, of workers in certain professions in the industrial
before subsequently starting to decline� Like most sector, 54% in the tertiary sector and 41% in the
countries in Europe, the Czech Republic is facing quaternary sector�
the problem of population ageing� The propor-
tion of the 65+ age group is due to increase from At the same time, the greatest problem in rela-
the current 16% to 24% by 2030 and will continue tive terms concerns organisations operating in
to grow thereafter� The total size of the economi- the building sector (which is paradoxical as the
cally active population is already in decline� data analysis of unemployment in school-leav-
ers shows a high level of unemployment in
Population ageing will have consequences for school leavers trained in building professions),
education and training systems� The role followed by companies providing catering and
of adult education and training will increase accommodation services (where the unem-
considerably and at the same time schools ployment rate for trained school-leavers is also
(especially the basic and secondary schools) above average), as well as in the area of infor-
will face the problem of low numbers of young mation and communication activities�
Although the proportion of young people in the 2�5 Strengths and
population is decreasing over the long term, in
the medium term there is a strong population weaknesses of the
surge of children born between 2002 and 2008�
For a certain period of time, this population surge current career guidance
will place increased demands on the capacity of
primary education (peaking in 2020) as well as and counselling system
on secondary education (peaking in 2027)� 9
2� 5� 1 in the educational
9 venti/4-1-10/Profese-a-obory-ktere-zamestna-
vet_2013_cz_cr.pdf vatele-potrebuji/26