Page 5 - Information-on-the-Lifelong-Guidance-System-in-the-Czech-Republic
P. 5

[2]   Key Challenges Addressed

                       by the Guidance System

                2�1 Employment rate                  local differences in the unemployment rate
                                                     within the country� In 2015 the proportion of
                                                     long-term unemployment represented 47,3%�
                In 2016, the employment rate of the Czech Re-  A high proportion of long-term unemployment
                public was 72% that of the EU-28 (for the pop-  is closely related to the structural unemploy-
                ulation aged 15-64 OECD Economic Surveys:   ment issues�  An unemployment rate was 4,0%�
                Czech Republic 2016)� The higher employment
                rate is mostly related to lower unemployment,
                while activity rates in the CR are at the same   2�2 Industries
                level as in the EU-28� The employment rate of
                young people has been declining due to their
                increasing participation in ISCED 3A upper-sec-  The structure of the Czech economy changed
                ondary education and tertiary education� In   considerably after 1989� The proportion of agri-
                contrast, the employment rate of people aged   culture and heavy industry has decreased and,
                50–64 is increasing as a consequence of the   conversely, the share taken up by the service
                gradual postponement of the retirement age�  sector has grown� As compared to the EU-28,
                                                     the proportion of manufacturing in the Czech
                Compared to the EU-28, the Czech Republic   Republic is significantly higher in terms of gross
                shows a larger difference between the rate of   value added and employment� The figures for
                employment of men and women, and this dif-  the business service sector are still lower in the
                ference has been hovering at a stable level� The   Czech Republic, but rapidly growing�
                main reasons are the lower retirement age for
                women, the long period of maternity and paren-  A large proportion of industry has a long tradi-
                tal leave in comparison with other EU countries   tion, dating back to the end of the 19  century,
                and a low proportion of flexible types of work   and so has the related vocational education�
                (such as part-time work, homeworking etc�)�  The communist regime strongly supported the
                                                     development of heavy industry in particular�
                The numbers of early school leavers in the   Following its transition to a market economy,
                Czech Republic are lower than in the EU-28�   the CR became the target of extensive foreign
                (according to the EU Labour Force Survey, it is   investment – particularly in the automotive
                6% in 2016�  However employment opportuni-  industry and electrical engineering� Foreign
                ties for people who leave the education system   investors found a combination of a high level
                before getting a qualification are far worse�  of technical education on the part of the labour
                                                     force and low labour costs� The growing labour
                Long-term unemployment constitutes a ma-  costs in the Czech Republic had a negative
                jor problem within the context of the Czech   effect on employment in some industries
                labour market� Furthermore, there are important   where the spatial proximity of suppliers is not
                                                     so important a factor (e�g� the textile industry)�
                                                     The economic recession, which began in 2008,
                7     See glossary term:
                   leaver_from_education_and_training, and more
                   statistics:  8

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