Page 38 - Information-on-the-Lifelong-Guidance-System-in-the-Czech-Republic
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              i  These programmes enforce social and work skills of persons cumulatively disadvataged in the labour market
              such as people 50+, people taking care of a relative, long-term unemployed etc�

              ii  It is the handy methodological guide  usable in career education of pupils in basic school that evolves critical
              thinking and reflection of gender stereotypes�

              iii  This project helps to solve social and work integration of immigrants without shelter by taking advantage of
              what they know and can use in the new country�

              iv  The Gaudeamus fair is the biggest annual Central European Education and Study Abroad Exhibition where
              Czech and other international higher education institutions, language schools and providers of life-long-learning
              opportunities offer the most of study opportunities for students from central Europe�
              v  The Czech National Resource Centre for Vocational Guidance was established within the National Agency of the
              Leonardo da Vinci program as a unit of the National Training Fund� Leonardo da Vinci, the European vocational
              training program that was as the first European programme opened already in 1996 to 10 pre-accession coun-
              tries including the Czech Republic� Since 2006, the Czech Euroguidance Centre operates within the Centre for
              International Cooperation in Education of the MEYS�

               The Euroguidance network maintains and facilitate portal Learning Opportunities and Qualifications in Europe
              that provides information for students, jobseekers, parents, teachers and guidance and counselling professionals
              on study opportunities in Europe
              vii  Europass is a personal electronic portfolio of documents� Europass consists of an electronic Curriculum Vitae
              (CV) model, and a portfolio: European Skills Passport, which compiles your other Europass documents, such as
              language passport and diploma supplements, or other important documents e�g� work certificates�

              viii  Its eight common European reference levels are described in terms of learning outcomes: knowledge, skills
              and competences� This allows any national qualifications systems, national qualifications frameworks (NQFs)
              and qualifications in Europe to relate to the EQF levels� Learners, graduates, providers and employers can use
              these levels to understand and compare qualifications awarded in different countries and by different education
              and training systems�
              ix  ECVET aims to support the mobility of European citizens, facilitating lifelong learning (formal, informal and
              non-formal learning) and providing greater transparency in terms of individual learning experiences, making it
              more attractive to move between different countries and different learning environments�

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