Page 35 - Information-on-the-Lifelong-Guidance-System-in-the-Czech-Republic
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it and problems associated with minimising from EU funds� The applicant has to submit
unemployment� Attention is therefore paid to an application under a relevant call complying
assessing the efficacy of active labour market with the given area of intervention� The current
policy instruments from both the national and European programme Erasmus+ has provided
regional perspectives� Developments on the some opportunities for such thematic research,
labour market are also monitored, above all the whereas the Czech Operational Programmes
labour supply and demand and work-related co-funded by the state budget have not�
migration� Long-term attention is paid to the
standing of selected social groups (the disabled, There has been one additional, and rather
seniors, foreign nationals) on the labour market� exceptional, way for European Funds to sup-
port guidance and counselling research�
Research dealing with guidance and counsel- This was an opportunity opened exclusively
ling is also carried out in part at several Czech to state-funded institutions supervised by
universities, e�g� Masaryk University in Brno, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Charles University in Prague� (the national projects directly allocated to the
National Institute for Education and co-financed
by the state budget and the European Social
9�2 Funding for research Fund called VIP-Kariéra and the National
Register of Vocational Qualifications ) and by
the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (the na-
Funds coming from the state budget for re- tional projects directly allocated to the Ministry
search in the field of guidance and counselling of Labour and Social Affairs and co-financed by
are distributed either directly through ministries the state budget and the European Social Fund
(it concerns almost exclusively MEYS and MLSA) called the “Labour Market Institute – Supporting
and their directly supervised institutions (e�g� a System of Employment Services and Develop-
the Research Institute for Labour and Social ment of the National Register of Occupations
Affairs and the National Institute for Education) and Sectoral Councils as a Tool for Employers to
or through grant agencies (the Grant Agency Affect Human Resources Development in the
of the Czech Republic and the Technological Czech Republic” )�
Agency of the Czech Republic)� In case of
research supported by the Euroguidance centre, 77
funds come from both the state budget and p+kari%C3%A9ra
the European budget� A rather marginal option
available to those wishing to pursue research 78
activities is to apply for financial assistance 79