Page 30 - Information-on-the-Lifelong-Guidance-System-in-the-Czech-Republic
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[8] Quality Assurance
8�1 Standards, 8�2 Guidance
indicators, accreditation professionals
8� 2� 1 Qualifications –
The school guidance and counselling facilities
as well as schools must fulfil a set of require- requirements / standards
ments to be registered in the School Register�
They are regularly evaluated by the Czech
School Inspectorate based on the Criteria for Qualification requirements and standards are
Evaluation of Conditions, Course and Results of regulated by legislation by the relevant sector
Education 63, 64 � All school and school facilities under which career guidance is provided
guidance and counselling staff must have the (education, employment)� The educational
qualifications laid down in the Act on Teaching staff responsible for guidance and counselling
Staff (see 8�2) services at school and school facilities must fulfil
qualification requirements given by the Act on
Higher education institutions and their Teaching Staff� They must also follow the “stand-
programmes are accredited by the Ministry ard activities” stipulated in the Decree �
of Education, Youth and Sports based on the
opinion of the Accreditation Commission� How-
ever, there are no standards or an accreditation 8� 2� 1� 1 Educational staff 67
system specifically for the counselling centres
established by the institutions� 8� 2� 1� 1� 1 Educational staff
responsible for guidance in schools
Outside the education system, there is no
accreditation system for the profession of career
counsellor or counselling institutions� Professional teaching qualifications for the
relevant type or stage of school and completion
of a study programme for an educational
counsellors of at least 250 hours, completed
by the defence of a thesis and final examina-
tion in front of the examining board, which is
organised by the higher education institution
as part of a life-long learning programme are
62 dy-kterym-se-stanovi-rozsah-prime-vyucova-
63 ci-prime-vychovne-prime-specialne-pedagog-
Kriteria-hodnoceni-podminek,-prubehu-a-vys- icke-a-prime-pedagogicko-psychologicke-cinnos-
ledk-%284%29 ti-pedagogickych-pracovniku
d1ee-5a0d-4de9-8d5d-8b6cc47152d1 eurydice/index.php/Czech-Republic:Education_
65 Act No� 563/2004 Coll�, on teaching staff� hood_and_School_Education