Page 27 - Information-on-the-Lifelong-Guidance-System-in-the-Czech-Republic
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7�3 Apprenticeships                  informal)� The new system enables the recogni-
                                                     tion of knowledge and skills obtained outside
                                                     the school system for adult applicants, allowing
                Within the Czech education system, apprentice-  them to supplement partial or complete quali-
                ship falls under the secondary school system   fications easily and quickly and facilitating their
                and is described in paragraph 7� 2�  subsequent participation and success in the
                                                     labour market in their chosen field�
                7�4 Adult learning /                 Psychological counselling for the adult popu-

                continuous training                  lation is provided by state or private health care
                                                     facilities and private counselling agencies or con-
                                                     sultants� Guidance and counselling in the health
                Educational guidance and counselling for   sector is funded from health insurance funds�
                adults is primarily carried out by education
                institutions, which provide all the information   Career guidance for adults is provided by
                related to the courses they offer, and possibly   different institutions such as the Labour Office
                also to further education courses offered in   of the Czech Republic, employment agencies,
                a given region� Adults can, if they are interest-  educational institutions, professional and interest
                ed in applying for higher education, use the   associations or organisations for disabled and
                educational guidance and counselling services   socially disadvantaged persons� 57
                provided by higher education institutions, or
                they can address the pedagogical and psycho-  After the country’s accession to the EU, the
                logical counselling centre established by the   scope of guidance and counselling services has
                region� Higher education institutions offer adults   significantly extended thanks to national pro-
                different courses within the lifelong learning   jects co-financed by the European Social Fund�
                programme (in accordance with the Higher   These projects are often run by NGO and are
                Education Act), while upper secondary schools   almost exclusively targeted at disadvantaged
                and tertiary professional schools do so in the   groups of persons and their actual needs�
                form of further education� Upper secondary   These organisations primarily operate services
                schools and tertiary professional schools also   not provided by bodies dependant on the min-
                organise accredited retraining courses according   istries or regional authorities� These activities are
                to the National Framework of Qualifications and   not monitored and therefore awareness about
                other educational programmes (e�g� ICT courses,   them is fragmentary� The Czech National Career
                communication, languages, labour law)�  Guidance Awards Competition organised by the
                                                     Czech Euroguidance Centre is a solitary attempt
                Since 2006, a system of schools has been created   to raise awareness of the variety and quality of
                under the Act on Verification and Recogni-  the guidance and counselling services provided
                tion of Further Education Outcomes � These   not only by state-funded organisations but also
                schools are entitled to assess the professional   by organisations operating outside or inde-
                skills that the applicant has acquired outside the   pendently of the state administration�
                formal education system and to issue a certifi-
                cate recognising this qualification on the basis of   Good examples of such projects might be
                an appropriate examination� In accordance with   "Delta and Bravo programmes" (
                the implementation of the lifelong-learning con-  projekty-esf/bravo) and "Career choice without
                cept, these schools are also required to create an   prejudies" (
                information system listing the further education   likace.shtml)  or "Take and give" (www.empl-cons.
                programmes they offer (formal, non-formal and   cz/projekt6.html) iii

                56  dice/index.php/Czech-Republic:Guidance_and_
                   c-179-2006-sb                         Counselling_in_a_Lifelong_Learning_Approach

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