Page 32 - Information-on-the-Lifelong-Guidance-System-in-the-Czech-Republic
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extended the secondary or tertiary professional also an alternative for special educational needs
education prescribed for other educators by specialists – the Master’s degree in teachers’
completing a Bachelor’s degree or in a life-long programmes and special educational needs
learning programme with the focus on special qualification in the life-long learning pro-
needs pedagogy� gramme at the higher education institution�
There is no special initial training scheme for
8� 2� 1� 1� 3 Staff responsible for career counsellors working at higher educa-
guidance at higher education tion institutions and outside the education
institutions system� Career counsellors can use several
specialised courses and seminars offered by
educational institutions (NGOs, adult education
There are no qualification requirements for the organisations, associations etc�)
counsellors at higher education institutions
laid down by the law�
8� 2� 3 Curricula for the
8� 2� 1� 2 Employment staff training of guidance
There are no qualification requirements for
staff responsible for information and guidance Higher education curricula are developed
and counselling services in Information and by the institutions themselves, but must be
Counselling Centres of Labour Offices accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth
laid down by law� However, for the position of and Sports� Similarly, in-service training course
a counsellor a Master’s degree in humanities, programmes must be accredited, with the
preferably in the field of pedagogical sciences, number of teaching hours and the method of
with work experience in guidance and coun- certification laid down in Decree no� 317 �
selling or in the field of secondary education
is commonly accepted and required� In case There are no official curricula for the training of
of two working positions at the Information career counsellors working at higher education
and Counselling Centres, the second person institutions and outside the education system�
is required to have completed at least upper
secondary school in social and legal studies�
8� 2� 2 Institutions offering
qualifications and training
In-service training courses for educational
counsellors and school prevention specialists
at schools are provided by higher education in-
stitutions or by institutions providing in-service
training for educational staff, e�g� mainly the
National Institute for Further Education (Národní
institut pro další vzdělávání) and its 13 regional
workplaces� Psychologists and special educa-
tional needs specialists gain their qualification
in Master’s programmes at universities (there is 68