Page 31 - Information-on-the-Lifelong-Guidance-System-in-the-Czech-Republic
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the prerequisites for performing the specialised qualification: apart from letter a), secondary
methodological activity and the more compli- vocational education with an apprenticeship
cated counselling activities of a educational certificate supplemented by study of pedago-
counsellor� gy, secondary education in a field focused on
teaching assistant training, secondary education
A prevention specialist is usually a teach- supplemented by study of pedagogy or study
er with the minimum of 2 years of previous aimed at teaching assistants, basic education
teaching experience� In accordance with the and a study programme for teaching assistants
law, these specialists operate generally at all are sufficient to perform the profession of
basic, upper secondary and tertiary profession- a teaching assistant�
al schools� The decree on in-service training
of educational staff states that prevention of
socially pathological phenomena is one of the 8� 2� 1� 1� 2 Educational staff
specialised activities for which educational staff responsible for guidance in school
have to obtain further qualifications (a study guidance and counselling facilities
programme of 250 lessons the content of which
is strictly set)�
A school psychologist must have a Mas-
Psychologists and school special edu- ter’s degree in psychology�
cational needs specialists have the same
qualification as those professionals at school According to the Act on Teaching Staff, a spe-
guidance and counselling facilities� cial educational needs specialist must have
completed a Master’s study programme in the
The Act on Teaching Staff distinguishes two field of pedagogical sciences focused on special
categories of teaching assistant� For each of needs pedagogy� From 1 September 2012,
them, a different qualification is set: those who have completed their Master’s study
programme in pedagogical sciences focused on
a) A teaching assistant who performs a direct pre-primary pedagogy or teacher training for
pedagogical activity in a classroom, in which primary schools or teacher training of general
pupils and pupils with special educational subjects at secondary schools or educator
needs are educated, or in a school providing training or who completed their Master’s study
education for children and pupils through the programme in the field of pedagogy can also
form of individual integration� Required quali- become special needs teachers� However, these
fication: higher education, tertiary professional persons also have to complete supplementary
or secondary education with a school-leaving studies to broaden their qualification, carried
examination in a pedagogical field or at least out in a higher education institution within the
secondary education with a school-leaving framework of a life-long learning programme�
examination in a different field supplemented
by a programme of life-long learning at a higher Prevention specialists in pedagogical and
education institution focused on pedagogy, by psychological counselling centres must
study of pedagogy or by study aimed at teach- acquire at least a Bachelor degree at a higher
ing assistants� education institution�
b) A teaching assistant who performs a direct Social workers must usually have completed
pedagogical activity based on supplementa- upper secondary school, or a higher education
ry educational work in a school, in a school institution in the field of social work�
facility focused on special-interest education,
in a school educational or boarding facility, Educational childcare staff of the centres for
in a school facility providing institutional or educational care are required to have complet-
protective care, or in a school facility aimed ed a higher education course focused on spe-
at preventive and educational care� Required cial needs pedagogy for educators, or to have