Page 29 - Information-on-the-Lifelong-Guidance-System-in-the-Czech-Republic
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guidance, technical, and therapeutic services options for further education and the situation
to students and staff with communication on the labour market such as: job descriptions,
difficulties, visual or hearing impairments, mo- videoclips about occupations, applications
bility disorders, with specific learning disorders to test personal features and characteristics
and behavioural disorders and with multiple important for career choice, information on
disabilities� The services may include personal education and work opportunities, psychodi-
assistance (e�g� sign language interpretation, agnostic tests and others� They provide group
ensuring the mobility of students with physical and face-to-face counselling and on-line and
or visual impairments), adaptation of study ma- phone counselling� The main target group of
terials (conversion into Braille tactile lettering, these centres are jobseekers, people who seek
transcribing audio recordings), consulting (with alternative employment, school leavers and
teachers, family, among the disabled and the other groups at risk of unemployment� Visits are
non-disabled, etc�), providing financial support, also organised for pupils from the top classes of
publication and educational activities and more� basic schools� In recent years, extensive austerity
However, the availability of such services is not measures followed by the reorganisation of
mandatory� employment services has led to a reduction in
financial as well as human resources which has
also affected the counselling services provided
7�6 Employment by branch labour offices� Counselling is provid-
ed at a lower level and is often outsourced�
The Labour Office provides career guidance In addition to the Labour Office, counselling
and counselling for a wide range of issues� services are also provided by a whole range of
Jobseekers are guided by employment brokers, profit and non-profit institutions, and these
can obtain individual or group career guidance are not centrally recorded� One exception is nat-
if they need help with searching a job, psycho- ural and legal persons providing job brokering
logical support if they need learn more about services, either free of charge or for a fee, which
themselves and their working potential, guid- are required by law to submit the MLSA an
ance for retraining if they are not sure how to application for a permit to broker employment
increase their employability, guidance for work as a private employment agency (agentura
rehabilitation if they suffer from a disability and práce)� Although 61% of registered employ-
would like to know which profession would be ment agencies state that they provide coun-
suitable for them and EURES guidance for those selling and information services regarding job
seeking to work abroad� opportunities in addition to brokering employ-
ment, this rarely constitutes career counselling�
Special attention is paid to young people in Their main activity concerns human resources
their last year of basic and secondary schools – the recruitment and selection of employees to
when they are about to choose further studies fill a relevant job vacancy�
or transfer to paid employment� There is an
Information and Counselling Centre at each Labour Offices also cooperate with social ser-
regional labour office or a selected contact cen- vices in order to provide career guidance
tre (Informační a poradenská střediska pro volbu services to their employable clients� Therefore,
a změnu povolání, IPS), which work together relevant services within the social sector are not
with schools and educational counsellors� Its further described�
main task is to provide assistance as regards
career choice for young people and adults� IPSs
have various sources of information on jobs, on
59 60 Act No� 345/2004 Coll� on employment
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