Page 8 - NCGA2018_EN_eBook
P. 8

As the National Career Guidance         accompanied by an expo of all
                  Awards in the Czech Republic            contributions to the competitions,
                  celebrated its 10th anniversary in      which provided an opportunity
                  2018, the conference was organised      for extensive networking and peer
                  in the true European spirit with        learning.
                  participation    of    Euroguidance
                  colleagues from Hungary, Serbia,        In addition to the public recognition,
                  Slovakia and Romania.                   the winners of the Czech National

                                                          Career Guidance Award were granted
                  The peer exchange of good practices     an opportunity to participate in
                  among countries and individual          a study visit co-organised by the
                  counsellors proved to be once again     Portuguese and Czech Euroguidance
                  very inspirational and important        centres.  The programme of the
                  activity in the fi eld of career guidance   study visit included a seminar on
                  in the Czech Republic. The National     Educational Psychology in Braga,
                  Career Guidance Award, in addition,     followed with presentations on
                  created a space for dissemination of    guidance provision in the Portuguese
                  new guidance projects and activities    schools and public employment
                  to the guidance community.              services.

                  More than 30 projects and activities    Examples of Czech good guidance
                  were submitted to the award from        practices in career counselling are
                  various sectors, such as schools, labour   also being disseminated by the
                  offi  ces, NGOs, regional career centres   Czech edition of the National Career
                  and private companies.  The 2018        Guidance Award compendium. All
                  award ceremony, which included also     award-winning contributions from
                  presentations of the award-winning      2018 are described below in this
                  organisations, took place in Prague,    compendium.
                  where representatives of the Ministry
                  of Education,  Youth and Sports         Team of the Euroguidance centre in
                  announced results of the contest. The   Czech Republic
                  award ceremony was traditionally

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