Page 13 - NCGA2018_EN_eBook
P. 13

Operating within the framework of       education and training centres, but
                  the National Offi  ce  of  Vocational   there were also higher education
                  Education and  Training and Adult       institutions, government offi  ces and
                  Learning,      the     Euroguidance     secondary vocational schools among
                  Centre Hungary announced its            the applicants.
                  call for applications for the 2018
                  Euroguidance Career Counselling         The offi  cial award ceremony of the
                  Award to identify and disseminate       Euroguidance Career Counselling

                  good guidance practices, after fi rst   Award of 2018 and the good practice
                  such awards were granted in 2016. In    sharing seminar with close to 100
                  2018, the objective of the competition   attendees took place in Budapest
                  was to collect Hungarian career         on 8 October 2018. At the event,
                  guidance practices and provide an       the fi rst three award recipients with
                  opportunity for career guidance         the highest scores were presented
                  and counselling organisations to        as part of the plenary lecture, and
                  showcase their activities and share     during the workshops participants
                  their good practices.                   were introduced to 15 more entries.

                  A total of 36 applications were         Finally, we would like to thank all

                  submitted in response to the call       those who have contributed to the
                  for applications published by the       success of the Euroguidance Career
                  Euroguidance Hungary in the summer      Counselling Award 2018 with their
                  of 2018, which exceeded the number      application, as well as to those who
                  of applications from 2016. Almost all   supported the promotion of good
                  organizations or institutions involved   practices in Hungary through their
                  in career guidance in Hungary were      presentations at the award ceremony
                  represented this time again. Most of    and contributed to this publication.
                  the applications were submitted by
                  individuals, chambers of commerce       Team of the Euroguidance centre in
                  and     industry   and     vocational   Hungary.

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