Page 25 - Open_the_door_to_the_world
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universities, and the internet has made it
Jónína Kárdal originally graduated as a much easier to find information about avail-
teacher but later studied career and edu- able learning opportunities. the financial crisis
cation counselling. In 1999, she completed has however made it more difficult for some
an MA degree in educational psychology, students to finance studies abroad, but study
with a specialisation in counselling and grants, such as erasmus+ and nordplus, even
student personnel psychology, at the for a short period, make it possible for many
University of Minnesota. That same year, students to take part in their studies abroad.
she started working at the University of
Iceland where she has worked since then. tHe sHock of returning Home
“counsellors are becoming more aware of
what is called a reverse culture shock – a
cycle people can go through when returning
home after studying or working abroad. they
become more aware of the changes they have
gone through while abroad as well as changes
in their own society. things have not been at
standstill, life goes on whether you are home
or abroad.”
Jónína adds that it would be informative to
know how well clients use the information
they get in the guidance counselling sessions
and what impact career and guidance coun-
selling has on them. “usually we do not get to
hear their ‘shipping news’, whether students
have sailed into safe harbour. it is always our
hope that they reach their end goal in studies
and career.”
Dóra Stefánsdóttir
euroguidance iceland