Page 26 - Open_the_door_to_the_world
P. 26
Mobile counsellors are the best
“Career professionals in different countries do more or less the same work even
if they come from different settings and use different tools.” This was one of the
conclusions of the Estonian and Swedish guidance professionals who met in
Stockholm in May 2014 to take part in a joint training event organized by the
Euroguidance centres of both countries.
the objective of the training was to learn more week included a job shadowing day. During
about each other’s system as well as to look this day, yulia visited Gun nilsson at the Job
closer into how guidance practitioners can work centre of stockholm municipality’s labour
more actively with mobility for their clients. a Market administration.
hidden agenda was also to motivate guidance
practitioners to include more mobility related different but still tHe
topics in their everyday activities, by showing same cHallenges
them how being mobile can be beneficial both both yulia and Gun believe that an important
on a personal and professional level. task for them is to broaden the perspectives of
their clients.
mobility experiences
“i discovered a lot about myself and my “from a career counsellor’s point of view, the
motivation to work as a guidance professional work that we perform is similar – we recognize
during this mobility period,” after the visit says each other’s tasks,” says Gun. “for example, we
yulia sharapova from the estonian unemploy- both meet people who are not fluent in the
ment insurance fund. “after a personal mobil- official language of our respective countries.
ity experience, i have realized how much one there are certainly lots of challenges when
can gain even from a week abroad. now it is trying to get to know each client, making sure
much easier to introduce this possibility also that the information about alternative ways of
to our clients who would probably not think of studying gets through, and creating a sense
this as an option for them.” of empowerment towards taking decisions
regarding the future.”
at the training, theoretical parts were mixed
with different kinds of group work and exer- “i really liked the national websites and tools
cises to show the participants methods that that Gun used in her work,” says yulia, “especial-
can be used for counselling on mobility. apart ly all the forecasts that are made for the labour
from lectures and presentations, the training market!”
64 % 64 % of employers think international
experience is important for recruitment.
erasmus impact study, 2014