Page 14 - Phsychologyst-and-Guidance
P. 14
Training of psychologists
throughout life
According to a recent report on the role of career counselling and
guidance in supporting the renewal of the education system
(ELGPN, 2013-14), it has been concluded that it should integrate
an articulated and systematic set of preventive, intervention and
compensation measures that:
allow the involvement of young people at
school prevent early school withdrawal
allow the integration and reintegration of young people at risk
promote effective processes of transition to the labour market
promote the acquisition of career management skills
and employability
In fact, high quality career guidance and counselling should empower
citizens for lifelong learning, acting as a preventive measure, which
encourages the development of skills favourable to the autonomous
planning of career paths. In addition, guidance and counselling should
encourage and facilitate mobility and increase the quality and
effectiveness of the education and training systems.
In this context, the life-long training of psychologists working in
the field of career counselling and guidance, particularly in the
educational context, is particularly demanding and requires a
continuous effort to acquire knowledge and skills in diverse, though
complementary, areas of practice.
There has been some discussion and reflection on this theme in the
European and in the wider international context, within various
instances (e.g. European Centre for the Development of Vocational
Training - CEDEFOP) and networks funded for this purpose (e.g.
European Lifelong Policy Network - ELGPN, Euroguidance, Network for
Innovation in Career Guidance and Counselling in Europe - NICE).