Page 13 - Phsychologyst-and-Guidance
P. 13


                 Curiosity  about  the  labour  market  expresses  a  positive
                 attitude,  forward-looking  and  is  related  to  observation,
                 questioning  and  experimentation  of  activities  and  roles,
                 interest  in  wanting  to  know  more  about  career  options,
                 questioning about  life  situations  and  lifestyles  and  about
                 oneself in different roles of life and possible futures.

                 This   competence    favours   community    involvement
                 promotes  realism  in  decision-oriented  exploration  and
                 prevents  the  creation  of  unrealistic  expectations  and
                 aspirations towards the future13.

                 To  foster  curiosity,  it  may  be  important  to  choose
                 interventions  that  will  foster  the  students'  interest  in
                 exploring the  future,  promote  learning  from  information-
                 seeking behaviours, using various sources and exploration
                 resources,  exploring  the  world  of  school,  domestic  and
                 community  work  and  of  attractive  professions,  activities
                 that  favour  the  test  of  reality  (experimentation)  and  the
                 use of technology (multimedia and hypermedia)35, 19.


                 It involves the increase of self-regulation through the practice of
                 decision-making and taking responsibility for the future, and the
                 gain  of  a  sense  of  self-direction  and  authorship  in  the
                 construction of the future. It also implies the will to decide and
                 assertiveness in the decision-making processes.

                 These  skills  foster  confidence  and  career  autonomy  and
                 compete  to  avoid  persistent  career  indecision  and
                 fluctuation. Professionals can facilitate the development of
                 these  competences  in  their  consultants,  favouring  in  the
                 interventions,  the  clarification  of  self-concepts,  the
                 management  of  debilitating  anxiety  in  decision  making,
                 the assertive dialogue and the raising of support from the
                 most significant ones.
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