Page 9 - Phsychologyst-and-Guidance
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Cooperative attitude, which defines a pro social relational style in
approaching career issues, is related to interpersonal and social skills and
to the use of consultation and involvement of others in decision-making.
Concern for the future relates to planning skills and building a positive
view of the future.
Confidence is related to problem-solving skills and self-efficacy in decision
making, overcoming obstacles, and advancing in the face of career
Empirical research on career adaptability has demonstrated, above all, the
role of curiosity, planning and decision-making competencies24,25,26 and it is
important to continue with more systematic investigation of all adaptive
attitudes and skills. Adaptability positively affects the ability to cope with
transitions, make congruent choices and perceive satisfaction with life in
adolescence27,28,24. Adaptability is a predictor of subjective career success29,
30, satisfaction with transition processes, career satisfaction, and satisfaction
with life as a youth31,32; of self-efficacy in the process of job search and re-
employment of young adults 33,34.
Following the line of studies on career adaptability can bring benefits to
guidance professionals, since the purpose of their interventions is often to
promote the adaptability of their consultants.
How can we assess and intervene in each of the dimensions of
career adaptability?
About the measure and assessment of career adaptability, we can highlight:
The North American reviewed version of the Career Maturity Inventory35
- Form C (CMI-C), adapted to Portugal36 allows for the assessment of the
career adaptability of young people with schooling up to the 12th grade. The
CMI-C allows assessing career readiness, based on four-dimensions,
designated as: concern, curiosity, trust and consultation. This is an
inventory with two forms, one shorter (10 items with dichotomous
response, agree or disagree) for investigation and diagnosis of large-scale
adaptability (e.g. population, school, school year), and another