Page 8 - Phsychologyst-and-Guidance
P. 8

Promoting Career Adaptability in an
                             Educational Context

       Adaptability  is  a  useful  construct  as  it  favours  personal  career
       management  and  lifelong  employability17.  The  dimensions  of  curiosity,
       autonomy, cooperation, planning and trust designate attitudes associated
       with basic career skills integrated into the notion of adaptability.

       Career adaptability has been defined  as an important metacompetency
       because it results in the ability to either maintain a sense of identity and
       self-direction  in  situations  of  change  or  to  solve  complex  issues  and
       problems  (e.g.  new  problems,  building  solutions,  unforeseen  events)
       inherent in career development.

       Adaptability  requires  openness  to  change,  envisaging  the  possibility  of
       thinking differently about oneself and about the situations, and being able
       to act on circumstances that require decisions on career  18,19,20. It involves
       having  the  readiness  and  personal  and  context  resources  to  handle
       development tasks, transitions, and career experiences throughout the life

       Career theorists suggest that the more specific dimensions of adaptability -
       the attitudes of curiosity, autonomy, cooperation, concern, and trust - can
       be important in all phases of career development, i.e. in periods of growth,
       exploration,  stabilisation,  management  and  disinvestment  of  professional
       or working life 13,22,23.

       Curiosity is related to the behaviours or competence of self-exploration in
       relation to possible activities, occupations and lifestyles.

       Autonomy  is  related  to  responsibility  and decision-making  competencies
       and to the perception of personal control over the future and one’s career.
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