Page 113 - Professionalising-career-guidance-practitioner-competences-and-qualification-routes-in-Europe
P. 113
Annex 1: The research
The study on existing training and qualification routes commenced with a review of
documentary records for each country, largely drawing on a range of reports commissioned
in recent years by Cedefop, OECD, the World Bank and ETF. Particular use was made of the
questionnaire responses and country notes, where they existed, for these earlier studies,
and those of the current European accreditation system (EAS) project, which are
unpublished but were made available to the project team. Once an overall picture of career
guidance delivery and training methods in each country had been gained, one or several
contacts in each country were approached to check on the currency of information and to
gain a greater level of detail on specific training routes. Initial contacts often suggested
further people to contact; a list of all the people who contributed to the research is included in
Annex 2.
The competence framework was drafted following initial work to clarify the definition of
competence. Existing competence frameworks were identified, both within the EU and from
further afield. Particular use was made of an aggregate list of competences developed by the
EAS project for their Work package 1 ( ) report. The first draft of the competence framework
was checked against each existing competence framework to make sure that no significant
items had been overlooked. The final draft competence framework was then circulated, with
a response questionnaire, to all the country contacts established in connection with the other
strand of the project. Responses to this consultation were analysed, and the final version of
the competence framework was prepared for inclusion in this report.
The research covers 30 countries: the 27 Member States of the European Union, plus
Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.
( ) Available from Internet: [cited