Page 212 - Socially-responsible-restructuring-Effective-strategies-for-supporting-redundant-workers
P. 212

Socially responsible restructuring
                                                          Effective strategies for supporting redundant workers

                  ANNEX D
                  Summary of collective redundancy terms and

                  conditions for selected Member States


                  Definitions         Notification          Consultation         Statutory payments
                  While there is no specific   The regular period of notice for   Consultation between the   The minimum severance pay
                  definition of a collective   employees is 30 days   employer and employee   for those being made
                  redundancy, the causes   irrespective of length of service   representatives must take   redundant is one month’s
                  are explicitly set out in the   but this may be extended   place at least 45 days prior   gross salary, though
                  relevant legislation and   though collective agreements.   to the redundancies taking   employers (through
                  must be conveyed to the   The redundancies cannot be   place and are intended to   agreements or otherwise)
                  employee facing loss of   started for at least 30 days   seek ways of avoiding or   can augment this sum. Any
                  job.                after their notification to the   reducing the job losses or,   unused leave also has to be
                                      PES.                  failing this, to work out a plan   compensated for.
                                                            to help those being made
                                                            redundant. The process will
                                                            also involve the services of
                                                            the PES.


                  Definitions         Notification          Consultation         Statutory payments
                  There is a Collective   The employer must by law   When redundancies are   The Collective Dismissals
                  Dismissals Act that   inform and consult on   announced, it is a   Act does not make provision
                  provides for redundancies   collective redundancies in the   requirement that   for redundancy payments.
                  of 10 or more employees   following circumstances:   negotiations take place   However, a salaried
                  at any one time.    Companies employing 20-99   between the company and   employee has a right to
                                      that plan to make at least 10   the employees or their   receive one, two or three
                                      employees redundant within 30   representatives as early as   month’s salary where they
                                      days;                 possible to try and see if the   have been employed by the
                                      Companies employing 100-299   job losses can be avoided or   company for 12, 15 and 18
                                      that plan to make at least 10%   reduced. At this stage the   years respectively, though
                                      of employees redundant within   company must disclose full   this requirement may be
                                      30 days;              written details of the reasons   waived where the employee
                                      Companies employing 300 or   for the redundancies, those   is entitled to a pension. For
                                      more that plan to make at least   likely to be affected and   non-salaried workers, any
                                      30 employees redundant within   payment terms, etc.   entitlement to redundancy
                                      30 days.                                   pay is likely to be set out in
                                      The Labour Market Council                  collective agreements.
                                      has to be informed so that
                                      support measures can be


                  Definitions         Notification          Consultation         Statutory payments
                  The general law applying   The relevant legislation   Works councils must be   The social plan developed
                  to dismissals is relevant   requires employers to notify   given full information on the   for the particular redundancy
                  in all establishments with   the PES within 30 days prior to   reasons, selection process   situation will determine
                  more than 10 employees.   any redundancies taking place   and terms of the job losses.   severance payments which
                  However, collective   in the following circumstances:   They are required to   are normally based on a

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