Page 215 - Socially-responsible-restructuring-Effective-strategies-for-supporting-redundant-workers
P. 215

Socially responsible restructuring
                                                          Effective strategies for supporting redundant workers


                  Definitions         Notification          Consultation         Statutory payments
                  Slovakia Various parts   The employer must notify the   The employer must discuss   In the case of redundancies,
                  of the labour legislation   employee and their   the proposed redundancies   severance payments are a
                  cover the provision for   representatives, plus the PES,   with employee   legal requirement. However,
                  collective redundancies –   at least one month in advance   representatives at least one   the level or basis for such
                  essentially seen as job   of the proposed job losses   month in advance and   payments is not wholly
                  losses for ‘organisational   taking effect. A first official   should cove the grounds for   prescribed by law and is at
                  reasons’. A collective   notice provides this   the job losses, the numbers   the discretion of the
                  redundancy applies   information, followed by a   involved and the selection   employer. Nevertheless, the
                  where an employer plans   second notice that effectively   criteria, as well as the   guideline is that payments
                  to dismiss at least 20   begins the implementation   timetable.   should be as follows:
                  employees during a 90-  process.                               For those with less than 5
                  day period.                                                    years’ service, two months
                                                                                 For those with over 5 years’
                                                                                 service, at least 3 months’


                  Definitions         Notification          Consultation         Statutory payments
                  The relevant legislation   Employers must give at least 5   The employer must consult   There is no statutory
                  covering collective   days notice for negotiations   the employee   provision for redundancy
                  redundancies applies to   and provide a range of   representatives fully and   pay and any entitlement will
                  establishments that   information that includes the   provide all the necessary   be set out in the social plan
                  employ at least 20,   grounds for the job losses, the   information in good time.   developed jointly by the
                  though all dismissals are   proposed selection criteria, and   The discussions must also   employer and employee
                  covered by law in terms   timetable. In general   cover how to promote the   representatives.
                  of such factors as   employees are entitled to   future employment of those
                  grounds for termination,   notice of termination according   losing their jobs.
                  procedures, etc. In   to their length of service with
                  addition, collective   the employer. This ranges from
                  agreements may provide   14 days where the employee
                  for additional      has been with the company for
                  requirements in the event   less than one year, to six
                  of redundancies.    months where the employment
                                      period is more than 12 years.
                                      The employer must also inform
                                      the PES of any job losses
                                      where the employee has been
                                      in work for at least 3 years.


                  Definitions         Notification          Consultation         Statutory payments
                  Collective redundancies   Notification to the County   The relevant legislation   Employees do not have any
                  are regulated in the same   Employment Board must be   requires the employer to   statutory right to receive a
                  way as individual job   made where 5 or more   consult with the employee   severance payment, though
                  losses and the legislation   employees are affected and   representatives and   such an entitlement is
                  does not specify how   different periods apply   negotiate the terms of the   normally enshrined in an
                  many employees would   according to the number of   job losses. The employer is   individual employment
                  amount to a collective   redundancies as follows:   required to provide a range   contract or collective
                  redundancy – though the   5-25 redundancies – 2 months   of information to aid the   agreement.
                  dismissals must be on the   advance notice;   process. In normal

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