Page 11 - The-Role-of-Teachers-in-Guidance
P. 11
Promoting adaptability: the role of teachers
Next, we present a set of objectives and activities that teachers can
develop in the scope of their teaching to promote planning,
autonomy, curiosity, trust and cooperation.
Teachers can foster planning when: they help students
relate what they learn and the goals they have for their
lives, in order to promote a forward-looking perspective
with confidence; help students identify learning objectives
and plan what to study and how to study; value the role of
school and work for the realisation of life projects.
The autonomy of the students can be promoted by teachers
when they promote initiative in general, they help to
identify barriers and support to the accomplishment of
objectives; when they help students reflect on decisions
they take (or not) in different domains of their life; when
they help to describe attitudes and beliefs that positively
and negatively influence decisions; when they encourage
persistence when faced with difficulties, they listen to their
students with genuine interest.